This library is the abstraction of Taurus API for access from applications written with Java, which enable you to acces Taurus with quick and easy manner
API Documentation:
implementation 'ai.silot.taurus:taurus-sdk-java:1.0.0'
Please download the jar package through the link below
Check Taurus API Document, Please obtain API Key
and endpoints of correspoinding environment.
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Taurus.apiKey = "[Your API Key]";
Taurus.serverUrl = "[Taurus Server URL,UAT or PROD]";
//Create invoice example
String externalId = "23142134231343";
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(20000);
String description = "test create";
Integer invoiceDuration = 86400;
String successRedirectUrl = "";
TaurusBaseVo<InvoiceVo> responseVo = InvoiceService.create(
externalId, amount, description, invoiceDuration, successRedirectUrl);
For more examples, please check