On Windows, this script can be called from a Task Scheduler job to send a message to MQTT. I use this to communicate with Home Assistant that my PC has woken up.
Thanks to Alexander Gruber at https://jackgruber.github.io/2019-06-05-ps-mqtt/ for his sharing how to use the M2Mqtt nuget library.
Download the M2Mqtt library manually, or by nuget.exe. The nuget.exe can be downlaoded here.
nuget.exe install M2Mqtt -o c:\lib
In Powershell, the DLL can then be included via Add-Type -Path "C:\lib\M2Mqtt.\lib\net45\M2Mqtt.Net.dll" so that the contained classes can be used.
Set up the following environment variables with the appropriate values:
Create a Windows Task Scheduler job with the following properties:
Run whether user is logged on or not.
Running as SYSTEM or running with elevated privileges is not necessary.
Create a trigger to begin the task "On an event"
Log: System
Source: Power-Troubleshooter (be careful, there may be 2 of these in the list. If one doesn't work, try the other.)
Event ID: 1
Action: Start a program
Program/script: powershell.exe
Arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass –NoProfile –Command "& {C:\Code\NotifyOnWake\Send-MqttOnPowerStateChange.ps1 -State wake; exit $LastExitCode}" >> %USERPROFILE%\wake.log
This structure for running scheduled tasks is what I've found works well to get the scripts last exit code reported back to Task Scheduler. Using powershell.exe's -File
argument results in powershell.exe's exit code to be reported, not the script.
Check: Stop the task if it runs longer than 1 hour.
Shouldn't be necessary since the script has a number of retries embedded, but just in case...
Only the following are different from the first task.
Create a trigger to begin the task "On an event"
Log: System
Source: Kernel-Power
Event ID: 187
Action: Start a program
Program/script: powershell.exe
Arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass –NoProfile –Command "& {C:\Code\NotifyOnWake\Send-MqttOnPowerStateChange.ps1 -State sleep; exit $LastExitCode}" >> %USERPROFILE%\sleep.log