Releases: simonschoelly/SimpleValueGraphs.jl
Releases · simonschoelly/SimpleValueGraphs.jl
SimpleValueGraphs v0.4.1
Merged pull requests:
- Avoid accessing .names property of NamedTuple (#42) (@simonschoelly)
SimpleValueGraphs v0.4.0
Merged pull requests:
- Test matrix functions against AbstractValGraph interface (#34) (@simonschoelly)
- Add graph wrappers (#35) (@simonschoelly)
- Migrate from LightGraphs to Graphs.jl (#41) (@simonschoelly)
SimpleValueGraphs v0.3.2
- Make add_vertex! and add_edge! easier for single value graphs
- Make graph constructors more type stable
- Make vertex and edge value getters more type stable
- Add reverse operator
- Implement mul! for AdjacencyMatrix
- Throw error if weights called without key for multiple edge values
- Rewrite abstract edge iterator in terms of outneighbors
- Add tests for converting matrices to SparseMatrixCSC
- Add documentation for creating custom graph types
- Fix doctests for Julia 1.6
SimpleValueGraphs v0.3.1
- Add per graph metadata
- Add constructors for Simple[Di]Graphs from value graphs
- Add constructors to create value graphs from different graphs
- Add squash for value graphs
- Add colon key for inedgevals and outedgevals
- Make it easier to construct/set values from different tuple types than specified for the graph, as long as the individual values can be converted.
- Add an experimental faster version of dijkstra_shortest_paths
- Add benchmarks
- Fix a bug in inedgevals
- Fix a bug in set_edgeval!
- Make show work correctly in Julia 1.6
- Increase tests coverage
SimpleValueGraphs v0.3.0
- Support for vertex values
- Add documentation
- Add examples
- Add benchmarks
- Replace travis with github actions
- Add SparseMatrixCSC constructor from ValMatrix and AdjacencyMatrix
- hash for ValEdge and ValDiEdge
SimpleValueGraphs v0.2.0
This is a large and breaking update that changes a lot of names and interfaces, and also temporarily removes some things. This was necessary as the older release suffered from issues with type instability.
added tests for set_edgeval! and get_edgeval with key