This example client is meant to demonstrate how to create a recording client for use with a SimpleWebRTC App. This app is based on the SimpleWebRTC Sample App but includes a tiny backend which is responsible for verifying access to the recording client. The verification step is important to prevent public access to your rooms.
You can retrieve your API key and secrets by visiting
npm i
SWRTC_API_KEY=<YOUR_API_KEY> npm run build:app
Access to the call is verified by a JSON Web Token.
This JWT is generated by the
SimpleWebRTC API, signed by your API Secret,
and then passed to the recording client
as a query param. In this example app you can
set the API Secret as an environment parameter
to the process as shown above SWRTC_API_SECRET=<YOUR_SECRET_KEY> npm start
Snippet from public/index.html
// get query params
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
// org_key is your API_KEY
const org_key = params.get('org_key');
// recording_token is a signed jwt generated by the API
const recording_token = params.get('auth_token');
// post to a route to make sure the
// client should be accessible
// with the provided jwt
fetch('/verify-recording', {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((recording_data) => {
// decode the jwt and get the
// roomName and userData for the client{
roomName: recording_data.roomName,
userDataToken: recording_data.userDataToken,
root: document.getElementById('root'),
gridPlaceholder: () => SimpleWebRTC.loadTemplate('empty-peer-grid'),
haircheckHeaderPlaceholder: () =>
emptyRosterPlaceholder: () => SimpleWebRTC.loadTemplate('empty-roster'),
homepagePlaceholder: () => SimpleWebRTC.loadTemplate('homepage')