Python Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Modeling (PyCTPM) is an open-source package which can be used to estimate thermodynamic properties in a typical process modeling. The current version consists of methods for estimation of gas properties as:
- Diffusivity coefficient (DiCo)
- Heat capacity at constant pressure (Cpp)
- Thermal conductivity (ThCo)
- Viscosity (Vi)
The above thermodynamic properties can be estimate for single and multi-component systems.
DiCo-MIX is the Diffusivity coefficient for a multi-component system
You can also run PyCTPM on Google Colaboratory as:
You can install this package
pip install PyCTPM
PyCTPM can be initialized as follows:
In order to define these components: H2; CO2; H2O; CO; CH3OH; DME
this code is automatically converted to python as:
# component list
compList = ["H2","CO2","H2O","CO","CH4O","C2H6O"]
# Mole fraction of each component is defined as an element in a python list as:
MoFri = [0.50, 0.25, 0.0001, 0.25, 0.0001, 0.0001]
# temperature [K]
T = 523
# pressure [Pa]
P = 3500000
# model input
modelInput = {
"components": compList,
"MoFri": MoFri,
"params": {
"P": P,
"T": T,
"unit": "SI",
"eq": 'DEFAULT'
The modelInput keys, unit and eq, they should be set as above in the current version.
# import package/module
import PyCTPM
from PyCTPM import thermo, thermoInfo, PackInfo
# version
print("PyCTPM version: ", PyCTPM.__version__)
# description
print("PyCTPM description: ", PyCTPM.__description__)
# component available in the database
# property
# property list
propNameList = ["MW", "Tc", "Pc", "w", "dHf25", "dGf25"]
for i in range(len(propNameList)):
print(thermo(propNameList[i], modelInput))
# property info
# all property info
# one property
for i in range(len(propNameList)):
# diffusivity coefficient of components in the mixture
res = thermo("DiCo-MIX", modelInput)
# log
print("Dij: ", res)
# heat capacity of components at desired temp [kJ/kmol.K]
res = thermo("Cpp", modelInput)
# log
print("Cpp: ", res)
# mean heat capacity of components at desired temp (Tref = 25 C) [kJ/kmol.K]
res = thermo("Cpp-MEAN", modelInput)
# log
print("Cpp-MEAN: ", res)
# mixture heat capacity of components at desired temp (Tref = 25 C) [kJ/kmol.K]
res = thermo("Cpp-MIX", modelInput)
# log
print("Cpp-MIX: ", res)
# thermal conductivity of components in the mixture [W/m.K]
res = thermo("ThCo", modelInput)
# log
print("ThCoi: ", res)
# thermal conductivity in the mixture [W/m.K]
res = thermo("ThCo-MIX", modelInput)
# log
print("ThCo-MIX: ", res)
# viscosity of components [Pa.s]
res = thermo("Vi", modelInput)
# log
print("Vi: ", res)
# viscosity mixture [Pa.s]
res = thermo("Vi-MIX", modelInput)
# log
print("Vi-MIX: ", res)
For any question, you can contact me on LinkedIn or Twitter.