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SocialCalc Clone Documentation

Deployment Link for Frontend

Frontend Setup

Step-by-Step Installation

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone<your_username>/Hacktivist_SocialCalcClone.git
  2. Frontend Setup

    cd social_calc_clone_frontend
    npm install
    npm run start // to run

    Setup Environment Variables

    Create a .env file in the frontend directory of your project. Add the following example content:

  3. Backend Setup

    cd social_calc_clone_backend
    npm install
    node index.js // to run

    Create a .env file in the backend directory of your project. Add the following example content:



Frontend Dependencies

  • @emotion/react, @emotion/styled: Emotion for styling.
  • @mui/icons-material, @mui/material: Material-UI components and icons.
  • @reduxjs/toolkit, react-redux: Redux Toolkit and React Redux for state management.
  • axios: HTTP client for API requests.
  • diff-match-patch: Library for handling differences and patches.
  • mathjs: Mathematical expressions library.
  • react-router-dom: Routing library for React.
  • react-toastify: Toast notifications.
  • Client-side library for WebSocket connections.
  • web-vitals: Tool for measuring web performance.

Backend Dependencies

  • async-lock: Library for managing asynchronous operations.
  • cors: Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • diff-match-patch: Library for handling differences and patches.
  • dotenv: Module for environment variable management.
  • express: Web framework for Node.js.
  • mongoose: ODM for MongoDB.
  • Library for WebSocket communication.