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RunitaiLinden committed Oct 13, 2010
0 parents commit d8e8098
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Showing 914 changed files with 232,649 additions and 0 deletions.
243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
# Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
# Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
# file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
# is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
# License.

# By default, all commands are silent. Echo statements are provided for each rule (if appropriate)
# so the user knows what's going on. If you need to debug the makefile or need to know what's
# going on, call make with verbose=yes.
ifneq ($(verbose),yes)

# os: 'linux', 'mac', 'windows', or 'ps3'. Use the 'uname' command to decide the
# default value. To detect when we're on Windows we'll check to see if we're
# running on Cygwin or MinGW.
os := linux
ifneq ($(shell uname | grep -i darwin),)
os := mac
else ifneq ($(or $(shell uname | grep -i cygwin),$(shell uname | grep -i mingw)),)
os := windows

# nativeArch: For internal use. Don't override this, instead override 'arch'.
nativeArch := x86
ifneq ($(shell uname -p | grep -i powerpc),)
nativeArch := ppc

# arch: x86 (or i386), x64 (or x86_64), ppc, ppc64
arch := $(nativeArch)

# project: 'dom', 'domTest', or 'all'
project := all

# Release/debug configuration: 'release', 'debug', or 'all'
conf := release

# Collada version: No other versions supported for now
colladaVersion := 1.4

# parser: 'libxml', 'tinyxml', or 'all'.
parser := libxml

# file: Set this to the name of a source file (eg 'dae.cpp') to build just that file
file :=

# Include any custom build settings
-include ~/.collada-dom/
-include make/

-include make/

ifneq ($(findstring test,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
# If we're running the automated tests, make sure that everything gets a chance to build
project := all

# Initialize the build variables
define setBuildVar
$(1)s := $(sort $(subst all,$(2),$($(1))))
ifneq ($$(filter-out $(2),$$($(1)s)),)
$$(error Invalid setting: $(1)=$($(1)))

oss := $(sort $(os))
ifneq ($(filter-out linux mac ps3 windows,$(oss)),)
$(error Invalid setting os=$(os))

archs := $(sort $(subst i386,x86,$(arch)))
ifneq ($(filter-out x86 ppc,$(archs)),)
$(error Invalid setting arch=$(arch))

$(eval $(call setBuildVar,project,dom domTest))
$(eval $(call setBuildVar,colladaVersion,1.4))
$(eval $(call setBuildVar,conf,debug release))
$(eval $(call setBuildVar,parser,libxml tinyxml))

comma := ,
domMajorVersion := 2
domMinorVersion := 1
domVersion := $(domMajorVersion).$(domMinorVersion)
domVersionNoDots := $(subst .,,$(domVersion))

# Have make automatically delete a target if there's an error in one of the rule commands

allOutputFiles :=
allTargets :=

define includeConfig
override project := $(1)
override os := $(2)
override colladaVersion := $(3)
override conf := $(4)
include make/$(1).mk
allOutputFiles += $$(outputFiles)
allTargets += $$(targets)

$(foreach _project,$(projects),\
$(foreach _os,$(oss),\
$(foreach _colladaVersion,$(colladaVersions),\
$(foreach _conf,$(confs),\
$(eval $(call includeConfig,$(_project),$(_os),$(_colladaVersion),$(_conf)))))))

buildObj := $(filter %$(file:.cpp=.o),$(filter %.o,$(allOutputFiles)))

.PHONY: all
ifeq ($(file),)
# Do a normal build of all targets
all: $(allTargets)
else ifneq ($(buildObj),)
# Just build the source files the user requested
all: $(buildObj)
$(error Invalid source file - $(file))

allOutputPaths := $(sort $(dir $(allOutputFiles)))
if [ ! -d $@ ] ; then mkdir -p $@; fi;

# clean
.PHONY: clean
@echo Removing build files.
# Delete all the output files
rm -rf $(allOutputFiles)
# Delete each empty output folder
for path in $(allOutputPaths); do \
if [ -d $$path ] && [ `find $$path -type f | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then rm -r $$path ; fi \
# Delete the build folder if it's empty
if [ -d build ] && [ `find build -type f | wc -l` -eq 0 ] ; then rm -r build ; fi

# test target for running the automated tests.
# Note: I originally had a separate target for each test, one reason being so that each
# test suite could be run in parallel. However when running in parallel I'd get weird errors where
# some of the tests would fail and some would succeed, with error messages like this:
# I/O error : No such file or directory
# I/O error : No such file or directory
# error : xmlNewTextWriterFilename : out of memory!
# To work around this, I changed to using a single target with a shell loop to run each test program.
# This way the tests are forced to run serially.
domTestOpts := -all
domTestExes := $(filter %domTest,$(allTargets))
.PHONY: test
test: $(domTestExes)
@for testExe in $(domTestExes); do \
echo $$testExe $(domTestOpts); \
$$testExe $(domTestOpts); \

# install/uninstall
ifneq ($(filter install uninstall installTest,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
# You can only install on Mac or Linux. Check for that.
ifeq ($(oss),linux)
prefix := /usr/local
else ifeq ($(oss),mac)
prefix := /Library/Frameworks
$(error You can only install with 'os' set to 'mac' or 'linux')

.PHONY: uninstall
ifneq ($(installPrefix),)
ifeq ($(oss),linux)
@echo Uninstalling from $(installPrefix)
rm -rf $(installPrefix)/include/colladadom
rm -f $(installPrefix)/lib/libcollada*dom*
else ifeq ($(oss),mac)
@echo Uninstalling from $(prefix)
rm -rf $(installPrefix)/Collada*Dom*.framework
else ifneq ($(findstring uninstall,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
$(error Can't uninstall because we don't know what path we installed to (missing make/ file))

# 1st param is build path, 2nd param is framework name, 3rd param is framework version number
# e.g. $(call installMacFrameworkCmd,build/mac-1.4,Collada14Dom.framework,2.0)
define installMacFrameworkCmd
if [ -d $(1) ]; then \
cp -R $(1)/$(2) $(prefix)/$(2); \
install_name_tool -id $(prefix)/$(2)/Versions/$(3)/$(basename $(2)) $(prefix)/$(2)/$(basename $(2)); \

.PHONY: install
ifeq ($(oss),linux)
install: uninstall
@echo Installing to $(prefix)
# Write the install prefix to the file make/ so we can retrieve it for uninstalling.
echo 'installPrefix := $(prefix)' > make/
# Install headers
cp -R include $(prefix)/include/colladadom
find $(prefix)/include/colladadom -name '.svn' | xargs rm -r
# Install linux-1.4 libs
if [ -d build/linux-1.4 ]; then cp -P build/linux-1.4/libcollada*dom* $(prefix)/lib; fi;
# Install linux-1.4-d libs
if [ -d build/linux-1.4-d ]; then cp -P build/linux-1.4-d/libcollada*dom* $(prefix)/lib; fi;
else ifeq ($(oss),mac)
install: uninstall
@echo Installing to $(prefix)
echo 'installPrefix := $(prefix)' > make/
$(call installMacFrameworkCmd,build/mac-1.4,Collada14Dom.framework,$(domVersion))
$(call installMacFrameworkCmd,build/mac-1.4-d,Collada14Dom-d.framework,$(domVersion))

.PHONY: installTest
$(MAKE) install
$(MAKE) clean project=domTest
$(MAKE) test installTest=yes
$(MAKE) uninstall
$(MAKE) clean project=domTest
$(MAKE) project=domTest
@echo installTest done
Binary file added codeGen/bin/php.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added codeGen/bin/php5ts.dll
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions codeGen/gen.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
bin\php gen.php "../COLLADA_DOM/doc/colladaschema.xsd" cprt
rem bin\php gen.php "../COLLADA_DOM/doc/colladaschema.xsd" min cprt

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