The original template for this application was created by App Scrolls.
The project was created with the following scrolls:
- capybara
- env_yaml
- passenger
- rails_basics
- rspec
- simple_form
- thin
And additionally, the following gems were installed and configured
- bootstrap-sass
- cancan
- console: Hirb, Wirb, Wirble, Awesome print
- database_cleaner
- faker
- factory_girl_rails
- haml
- spork, with all the stuff
- quiet_assets
Excluded files in .gitignore have example files in the same location, these are:
.rvmrc.example // .rvmrc is .gitignored config/env.yml.example << to put environment variables and keys here // config/env.yml is .gitignored config/database.yml.example // config/database.yml is .gitignored