npm install hapi-rascal --save
With a Rascal config, read more
let options = {
'vhosts': {
'/': {
'connection': {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 5672,
user: process.env.WETOPI_RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER || 'guest',
password: process.env.WETOPI_RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS || 'guest'
'exchanges': {
testEx: {
type: 'topic',
options: {
durable: true
'queues': {
test: {
options: {
durable: true,
exclusive: false
'bindings': [
'testEx[a.test.#] -> test'
'publications': {
foo: {
exchange: 'testEx',
routingKey: ''
bar: {
exchange: 'testEx',
routingKey: ''
'subscriptions': {
test: {
queue: 'test',
contentType: 'application/json'
Plus the option to add a driver:
let options = {
'vhosts': {...},
'drivers': [{
module: 'hapi-message-manager',
name: 'events',
options: {
publication: 'dom.obj.act.det'
e.g. hapi-message-manager
server.register({ register: 'hapi-rascal', options: options });
Once registered you get a broker object you can consume:
// publish:'foo', { 'my': 'message to foo'});'bar', { 'my': 'message to bar'});
// subscribe:'test', function(err, subscription) {
subscription.on('message', function(message, content, ackOrNack) {
console.log('[*] Consumed message from test queue. content:', content);
}).on('error', function(err) {
console.error('Subscriber error', err);
}).on('invalid_content', function(err, message, ackOrNack) {
console.error('Invalid content', err);
}).on('error', console.error);
Following the driver in the example.
The sample driver publish
method gets exposed as:{ message }, 'domain-a.message.event.sample-event');
Bebore running test, check test connection section.
npm test
You'll need a RabbitMQ server running locally with default configuration. If that's too much trouble try installing docker and running the following
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq