- git clone "https://github.com/GP-Kulam/IEEE_GIT-Website-Contest-Hackbagpackers.git" After git repo cloned, just run website using live server or opening index.html in the browser.
The website is built upon html,css,javascript and minimal use of jquery.
Responsive features Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops
Mobile-Friendly Mobile-first approach: In Bootstrap 4, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework
Simple Integration Bootstrap can be simply integrated along with distinct other platforms and frameworks, on existing sites and new ones too and one more things you can also utilize particular elements of Bootstrap along with your current CSS.
Customizable Bootstrap The Bootstrap can be customized as per the designs of your project.
Browser compatibility Bootstrap is compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera)
- Everything Reactive, Real-Time and Blazing Fast!
- Mobile friendly and Very Responsive at any Screen Size.
- Built from Scrath with opensource Technology.
- designed and developed with industry standards.
- Neumorphic design approach for the simple and modern look & feel.
- Ready for production
- Neumorphism is a new take on skeuomorphic design. Even though it relates to skeuomorphism there is a new focus in the entire design style with neumorphism.
- 60% of your dominant color, 30% for your secondary color and 10% for accent color.
- what you see is crafted with designed cleanly and with the vision of the public audience as prefference.
For a quick overview of each project in the Platform, you can search for README.md file in the root of the projects folders.