A Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking connectivity to an MQTT broker.
This plugin connects to the specified broker and subscribes to a topic. Upon successful subscription, a message is published to said topic, and the plugin expects to receive that payload within max_wait
Configuration is currently hard-coded in the Python source. Check the following variables and alter to taste:
mqtt_host = 'localhost'
mqtt_port = 1883
mqtt_username = None
mqtt_password = None
check_topic = 'nagios/test'
check_payload = 'PiNG'
max_wait = 4
is the time we're willing to wait for a SUB to the topic we PUBlish on. If we don't receive the MQTT PUB within this many seconds we exist with CRITICAL.
OK - PUB to nagios/test at localhost responded in 0.00