With SuperViewpager you can easily use fragments.
You can create multiple fragments. Set a time to run the fragments. Repeat the fragments each time.
- Custom
- Easy
- Viewpager
- Android X
minSdkVersion 14
You can download a jar from GitHub's releases page.
Or use Gradle:
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.skhanbeiki:SuperViewpager:1.2'
Or Maven:
ViewPager viewPager = findViewById(R.id.viewPager);
SuperAdapter adapter = new SuperAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), 0);
adapter.addFragment(0, true, new FrgFirst(), "title");
adapter.addFragment(1, false, new FrgSecond(), "title");
adapter.addFragment(2, 1, new FrgThird(), "title");
adapter.addFragment(3, 5, new FrgFourth(), "title");
adapter.addFragment(int id , boolean isDisposable , Fragment fragment , String title);
adapter.addFragment(int id , long minutes , Fragment fragment , String title);
The "onFragmentAlwaysDo" method is always executed.
id = The ID must be unique to be stored in the time database.
isDisposable if true = The "onFragmentCommandDo" method is executed only once.
isDisposable if false = The "onFragmentCommandDo" method is always executed.
minutes >= 1 After the desired number (minutes), the "onFragmentCommandDo" method is executed.
This is not an official Google product.