Optimize the Hotel Profit by Applying enforcement on CheckIn - CheckOut and Minimum and Maximum number of Days of stay of person before conforming booking of Hotel room
for further detailed requirement click the below link https://github.com/skylabspune/Hotel_ProfitOptimization/blob/master/Requirement.pdf
- Checkin day is Inputed by user,
- Enter the RooomId for Room You want to Boook (User Must Refer Room Id By Only After Using Option 1 and List of Rooms and their status is Been Displayed along with CheckIn Date as NULL and Checkout Date as Null for rooms Avilable) the running code list all possible checkout dates satisfying all the constraints as per requirement.
- Enter any one Checkout date from the displayed List.
Note: No need to add any Dependency or Library.
Feel free to open an issue or Pull request
- Nikhil wayal [email protected]
Version 1.1, December 2016
Copyright (C) [ 2017 ] [ Nikhil Wayal ]
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Credits :- Inspired from DBAD Licence.