Chatterbox is an HTTP/2 library for Erlang. Use as much of it as you want, but the goal is to implement as much of RFC-7540 as possible, 100% of the time.
It already pulls in joedevivo/hpack for the implementation of RFC-7541.
Chatterbox is a rebar3
jam. Get into it!
setting network.http.spdy.enforce.tls.profile
and toggle it to
Chatterbox provides a module http2_connection
which models (you
guessed it!) an HTTP/2 connection. This gen_fsm can represent either
side of an HTTP/2 connection (i.e. a client or server). Really, the
only difference is in how you start the connection.
A server side connection can be started with
ninenines/ranch using the
included chatterbox_ranch_protocol
like this:
%% Set up the socket options:
Options = [
{port, 8080},
%% you can find certs to play with in ./config
{certfile, "localhost.crt"},
{keyfile, "localhost.key"},
{honor_cipher_order, false},
{versions, ['tlsv1.2']},
{next_protocols_advertised, [<<"h2">>]}
%% You'll also have to set the content root for the chatterbox static
%% content handler
RootDir = "/path/to/content",
{chatterbox_static_content_handler, [{root_dir, RootDir}]}),
{ok, _RanchPid} =
You can do this in a rebar3 shell
or in your application.
You don't have to use ranch. You can use see chatterbox_sup for an alternative.
clone chatterbox and euc2015
then set the RootDir
above to the checkout of euc2015.
Then it should be as easy as pointing Firefox to
We'll start up http2_connection a little
differently. http2_client:start_link/*
will take care of the
Here's how to use it!
{ok, Pid} = http2_client:start_link(),
RequestHeaders = [
{<<":method">>, <<"GET">>},
{<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>},
{<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
{<<":authority">>, <<"localhost:8080">>},
{<<"accept">>, <<"*/*">>},
{<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate">>},
{<<"user-agent">>, <<"chatterbox-client/0.0.1">>}
RequestBody = <<>>,
{ok, {ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody}}
= http2_client:sync_request(Pid, RequestHeaders, RequestBody).
But wait! There's more. If you want to be smart about multiplexing, you can make an async request on a stream like this!
{ok, StreamId} = http2_client:send_request(Pid, RequestHeaders, <<>>).
Now you can just hang around and wait. I'm pretty sure (read:
UNTESTED) that you'll have a process message like {'END_STREAM', StreamId}
waiting for you in your process mailbox, since that's how
works, and they use mostly the same codepath.
So you can use a receive block, like this
{'END_STREAM', StreamId} ->
{ok, {ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody}} = http2_client:get_response(Pid, StreamId)
Or you can manually check for a response by calling
http2_client:get_response(Pid, StreamId),
which will return an {error, stream_not_finished}
it's... well... not finished.
There still needs to be some way of detecting that a promise has been
pushed from the server, either actively or passively. In theory, if
you knew the StreamId
, you could check for a response on that stream
and it would be there.
- Joe DeVivo
Copyright (c) 2015,16 Joe DeVivo, dat MIT License tho.