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Running SlideWiki locally on Windows (full guide)

aoelen edited this page Feb 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

Step-by-step installation guide for running SlideWiki locally on Windows


1. Install Node.js

(In case you don't have Node.js installed already) Go to, download and install Node.js (version 12.X, LTS version)

2. Install Git

(In case you don't have Git installed already) Go to, download and install Git (the newest version available). In the installer, use all the default options by just pressing Next for each step.

3. Install SlideWiki

  • Open the "PowerShell" program in Windows
  • Go to your Documents folder: cd ~/Documents
  • Clone the SlideWiki repository using Git: git clone --recursive
  • Go to the just created folder: cd slidewiki-platform
  • Install the packages by running: npm install (this could take some time and it is normal if warnings are displayed during this process)
  • Create the config file: cp ./configs/microservices.sample.js ./configs/microservices.js

Run SlideWiki

  • Ensure you are in the SlideWiki directory (if you just followed the installation instructions, you already are in the right directory. Otherwise: cd ~/Documents/slidewiki-platform)
  • Now run npm run dev (in case you get a message from Windows Defender, click Allow access)
  • You should be possible to visit SlideWiki at http://localhost:3000

Running a specific branch

If you followed the installation instructions from above, you are running the master branch. In order to switch branches:

  • Ensure you are in the slidewiki-platform directory: cd ~/Documents/slidewiki-platform
  • Checkout a branch name: git checkout BRANCH_NAME. Replace BRANCH_NAME with the name of the branch you want to test
  • Sometimes it is necessary to run npm install again (because packages could have changes for a specific branch). Running this command won't break anything, so it is best to always run it after changing a branch!

It is possible to switch back to the master branch again by running: git checkout master