One of the first choreographed performances by an A.I. This project explores the representation of motion capture data through the eyes of a machine learning algorithm. A type of neural network, a variational autoencoder, is used to generate humanoid poses. A dance is choreographed in real-time and audio-reactive VFX are added with Unity3D.
A dance is choreographed by sampling the latent space with a time varying Lissajous curve.
A video with audio:
This project is synthesis of:
Animation Autoencoder - a variational autoencoder is trained on motion capture data. Poses are sampled from the latent space. Built with TensorFlow Lite
Smrvfx is a Unity sample project that shows how to use an animated skinned mesh as a particle source in a visual effect graph.
WASAPI - Audio reactive visual effects are created using Windows Audio and Sound API
Created with Unity 2019.3. Please note that it's not compatible with the previous versions of Unity.