sencha touch 2 RTL
work on Android 2.x Android 4.x google chrome
maybe not work on ios. if any one can help to test with ios please pull request.
very soon upload
add sencha-touch-rtl.css after sencha touch css and add sencha-rtl.js after secnha js.
Note: If user app.json just add this files in this file. like
"name": "Ajax",
"js": [
"path": "../../sencha-touch-all-debug.js"
"path": "../../rtl.js"
"path": "app.js",
"update": "delta"
"css": [
"path": "../../resources/css/sencha-touch.css",
"update": "delta"
"path": "../../sencha-touch-rtl.css",
"update": "delta"
"appCache": {
"cache": [
"network": [
"fallback": []
"extras": [
"archivePath": "archive",
"buildPaths": {
"testing": "../../deploy/testing/forms",
"production": "../../deploy/production/forms",
"package": "../../deploy/package/forms",
"native": "../../deploy/native/forms"
"buildOptions": {
"product": "touch",
"minVersion": 3,
"debug": false,
"logger": "no"
"id": "3a867610-670a-11e1-a90e-4318029d18bb"