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Michal Töpfer edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

The TimeContext component is used to filter the displayed data by a selected time interval. Most of the charts work with TimeContext out of the box, they just need to be placed inside it.


  • initialIntervalSpec: see below
  • intervalNames: TODO
  • getMinAggregationInterval: TODO
  • configPath: array of strings – path to the config property to which the current interval is saved. Use this if you need multiple independent TimeContexts in the same visualization. Defaults to ["timeContext"].

How to...

...set the initial time interval

Set the initialIntervalSpec property of the TimeContext. This property is of type IntervalSpec with constructor

new IntervalSpec(from, to, aggregationInterval, refreshInterval)
  • from and to can be set to strings with exact date and time ("1953-10-30", "2010-12-31 23:59:59", ...) or with relative date and time ("now", "now-7d", "now-1y", ...)
  • aggregationIntervalnull means auto, moment.duration(0, 's') means no aggregation
  • refreshIntervalnull disables automatic refresh of the data

Example (interval for the last 5 days, aggregated by an hour, refreshed every minute):

<TimeContext initialIntervalSpec={new IntervalSpec('now-5d', 'now',  moment.duration(1, 'h'), moment.duration(1, 'm'))}>

Don't forget to add imports:

import {IntervalSpec} from "ivis";
import moment from 'moment';

...use multiple TimeContexts in the same visualization

Add a different configPath property to each of them. Don't forget that this property has to be an array of strings (or indices to an array in some special cases).

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