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A utility gem for SpreeCielo Gateway gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cieloz'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cieloz


This is a quick start guide to Cieloz API.
If you want to learn deeply about Cielo Gateway, read the Getting Started section.

Low Level API: Requisicao objects

Provides a one-to-one ruby implementation for Cielo specification. It's much more verbose than the High Level API, but provide a fine grained relation with Cielo WS API. The High Level API is just a wrapper with convenient methods to handle with the Low Level API. A developer must instantiates one of the available operations:

  • RequisicaoTransacao
  • RequisicaoConsulta
  • RequisicaoCaptura
  • RequisicaoCancelamento

Then populate them with appropriate data. This gem validates these request objects according to Cielo Specifications present at Developer Guide (pages 10, 11, 26, 28 and 30), so it makes error handling easier ans faster, before the request is sent to Cielo Web Service.

If the operation is valid, this gem serializes them as XML and submits to Cielo, parsing the response as a Transaction (Transacao) or Error (Erro) objects. Both keeps the original XML response as a xml attribute, so it can be logged.


dados_ec  = Cieloz::Configuracao.credenciais

pedido    = numero: 123, valor: 5000, moeda: 986,
            data_hora: now, descricao: "teste", idioma: "PT", soft_descriptor: "13letterstest"

pagamento = "visa"

transacao = dados_ec:         dados_ec,
                                            dados_pedido:     pedido,
                                            forma_pagamento:  pagamento,
                                            url_retorno:      your_callback_url

response  = transacao.autorizacao_direta.submit

response.success? # returned Transacao (with status and id for the created Cielo transaction) or Error object?


consulta = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec
resposta = consulta.submit


captura = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec
resposta = captura.submit

Partial Capture

value = 1000      # a value less than the authorized
captura = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec, valor: value
resposta = captura.submit


cancelar = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec
resposta = cancelar.submit

Partial Cancel

value = 1000      # a value less than the authorized
cancelar = tid: transacao.tid, dados_ec: ec, valor: value
resposta = cancelar.submit

High Level API: Cieloz::Buider

The easiest way to use this gem is through the high level API provided by Cieloz::Builder. It provides convenient methods to build the respective Cieloz request objects from your domain model object.

Cieloz.transacao - builds a RequisicaoTransacao object for Payment Authorization

pd = Cieloz.pedido    order

pg = Cieloz.debito payment, bandeira: 'visa'  # debit


pg = Cieloz.credito payment, bandeira: 'visa' # credit with 1 parcel


# parcelled credit
pg = Cieloz.parcelado payment, bandeira: 'visa', parcelas: :installments

tx = Cieloz.transacao nil, dados_pedido: pd, forma_pagamento: pg

Cieloz.consulta - builds RequisicaoConsulta

consulta = Cieloz.consulta payment

Cieloz.captura - builds RequisicaoCaptura

captura = Cieloz.captura payment # total capture


captura = Cieloz.captura payment, value: partial_value

Cieloz.cancelamento - builds RequisicaoCancelamento

cancelamento = Cieloz.cancelamento payment # total cancel


cancelamento = Cieloz.cancelamento payment, value: partial_cancel

Domain Model Mapping Startegies

High Level API uses three different strategies to extract the attribute values required to build Cielo object attribute values to be serialized in XML format and sent to Cielo Web Service (see Domain Model Mapping Strategies below).

When an attribute cannot be resolved from one mapping strategy, Cieloz::Builder retrieves the default values configured at Cieloz::Configuracao class:

@@mode                = :cielo
@@moeda               = 986 # ISO 4217 - Manual Cielo, p 11
@@idioma              = "PT"
@@max_parcelas        = 3
@@max_adm_parcelas    = 10
@@captura_automatica  = false

Default Naming Mappings

When your domain object attribute names are the same as the Cielo Web Service expect.

order.numero  = "R123456"
order.valor   = 12345

# creates Cieloz::RequisicaoTransacao::DadosPedido extracting order attributes
# that has the same names as DadosPedido attributes
pedido = Cieloz.pedido order

p pedido.numero
$ R123456

p pedido.valor
$ 12345

Domain Model Mappings

When you should provide a mapping between your domain model attributes and Cielo Web Service attributes.

order.number  = "R123456"
order.value   = 12345

# maps  order.number  to DadosPedido#numero
# and   order.value   to DadosPedido#valor
pedido = Cieloz.pedido order, numero: :number, valor: :value

p pedido.numero
$ R123456

p pedido.valor
$ 12345

Explicit Values

When you provide values.

pedido = Cieloz.pedido nil, numero: "R123456", valor: 12345

p pedido.numero
$ R123456

p pedido.valor
$ 12345

The strategies can be used together!

order.descricao = "Hello Cielo!"
pedido = Cieloz.pedido source, numero: number, valor: 12345

p pedido.numero
$ R123456

p pedido.valor
$ 12345

p pedido.descricao
$ Hello Cielo!


Your application can configure Cieloz::Configuracao default values.

  • If you don't provide credenciais, all operations will be requested against Cielo Homologation Environment.
  • When you go to production, you MUST configure credenciais with your Cielo numero and chave.

General settings can be placed in config/application.rb:

module MyStore
  class Application < Rails::Application
    # ...

    Cieloz::Configuracao.tap do |c|
      c.soft_descriptor = "My Store Descriptor"

and settings specific per environment in respective config at config/environments directory.

If you configure your server with environment variables, config/environments/production.rb can configure Cieloz:

Cieloz::Configuracao.credenciais.tap do |c|
  c.numero  = ENV["MY_STORE_CIELO_NUMERO"]
  c.chave   = ENV["MY_STORE_CIELO_CHAVE"]

Getting Started

This is a step-by-step guide to enable Cielo Gateway as a payment method to your e-commerce store.

First, you should create your credentials at the following Cielo Page:


Then a form will be presented to be filled with Store, Store's Owner, Store's Address* and Banking data.

  • address must be the same as the present at Store CNPJ!

After the form is submitted, a receipt number is generated, and generally in one or two business days, Cielo sends an e-mail with detailed instructions and manuals:


These were the documents sent by Cielo at December 21, 2012, and are subject to changes according to the Cielo affiliation processs changes. If you notice any document is changed since then, and wants to collaborate on keeping this gem updated, please open an issue so our team can update this README.

Cielo Developer Kit

Additionaly, the email provides a link where the Cielo Integration Kit can be downloaded:

This kit contais the API documentation that served as a basis to developing this gem: Cielo e-commerce Developer Guide v2.0.3.

The Test Environment

The page 32 of this manual provides information about a Test Environment that can be used as a sandbox to test integration with Cielo Web Services:

It also provides API ID and API Secret that are required to be sent within every request sent to Cielo Web Services, and valid test credit card numbers to be used at this environment.

The Cielo Payment Workflow

Hosted Buy Page versus Store Buy Page

Credit Card data can be provided directly to a Store BuyPage, but this requires the Store Owner to handle with security issues.

The simplest alternative to get started is using an environment provided by the Cielo infrastructure. When the user is required to type his credit card data, he is redirected to a Cielo Hosted Buy Page. When the user submits his data, he's redirected back to a Callback URL provided by the store.

Supported CreditCard operations

The following diagram was extracted from Cielo Developer Guide v2.0.3, page 5.

Payment States

TransactionRequest (RequisicaoTransacao)

Every payment starts with a TransactionRequest. In the Hosted Mode, its main data are:

  • Order Data (DadosPedido)
  • PaymentMethod (FormaPagamento)
  • Authorization Mode (whether it supports Authentication Programs)
  • Capture Mode (can be util for fraud prevention)

In Store Mode, it also should include Credit Card Data (DadosPortador).

Authorization Modes

Visa and Mastercard supports Authentication Programs. This means additional security, as the user is required to provide additional security credentials with his bank to be able to have a transaction authorized for online payments:

Additionaly, a specific authorization mode is available to enable recurrent payments, in the case they are supported by the Credit Card operator.

Transaction States and Web Service Operations

The following diagram was extracted from Cielo Developer Guide v2.0.3, page 9.

Payment States

When a TransactionRequest succeeds, it responds with a Transaction (Transacao) with Status 0 - CREATED. This response contains the Transaction ID (TID), and an Authentication URL (url-autenticacao) where the user must be redirected to start the Authorization flow.

When the user visits this URL, the transaction assumes Status 1 - IN_PROGRESS. When the user submits its Credit Card data, the transaction can assume Authentication States, if supported by the selected credit card (Verified by Visa or MasterCard Secure Code programs).

After authentication/authorization flow, if the user has available credit, the transaction assumes Status 4 - AUTHORIZED (Autorizada).


When the transaction is at AUTHORIZED state, the Store Owner must capture this payment in the next five days. This can be done with a CaptureRequest (RequisicaoCaptura)

The Store Owner also has the option to request automatic payment capture, bypassing AUTHORIZED state. After capture, the transaction assumes Status 6 - CAPTURED (Capturada).

  • Manual Capture can be useful for fraud prevention, but it requires aditional Admin efforts.


In the 90 days that follows the Authorization or Capture, the transaction can be fully or partially cancelled, assuming state 9 - CANCELLED (Cancelada). This can be done with a CancelRequest (RequisicaoCancelamento).

  • At any time, a pending request can be expired at Cielo Gateway, that puts the transaction in CANCELLED state.
  • Each state has its own expire time, see the Developer Guide for detailed information.


At any time, a QueryRequest (RequisicaoConsulta) can be made for a specific transaction (identified by its TID) to query about the state of the transaction.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


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