Release 5.4.0
Supported Specification
SDL HMI release to support SDL Core Release 7.0.0
Completed Features
[SDL 0252] Aligning HMI and MOBILE API for pcmStreamCapabilities
[SDL 0152] Driver Distraction Improvements: Command List Limitations
Completed Bug Fixes/Enhancements
HMI sends redundant "steeringWheelLocation" parameter in UI.GetCapabilities response
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null on FFW.UI.OnSystemContext
HMI does not perform predefined actions by clicking the custom softButtons on AlertManeuver pop-up
TypeError after clicking play, next/previous track button on audio_source tabs
AlertManeuver pop-up displays the softButtons from previous requests
Error in the HMI console in case on HMI select Day/Night/Highlighted mode
HMI is unable to send OnExitApplication with ApplicationExitReason : CLOSE_CLOUD_CONNECTION
HMI does not send SetAppProperties request on press Set button on HMI
HMI renews Channel Set for current shown id only after switching screen to another item
POI list is updated only after removing some existed element
HMI sends displayMode=AUTO in OnInteriotVehicleData notif and SetInteriorVehicleData response
HMI sends BC.OnSystemRequest notification without requestType: "PROPRIETARY"
Error response on DeleteSubMenu request for nested submenu in case of delete the top level submenu
HMI does not remove the group entries in app permissions list
HMI responds with WARNINGS code in case core requests AddCommand with image
Web app with HMI type WEB_VIEW is not registered and activated
AlertManeuver: SoftButton with an icon is not displayed in day/night/Highlighted mode