Extension of the droid4me framework which contains logger implementation
Available implementations :
- logEntries
- logmatic
- log4j
Note : a default Android logger implementation is available into the droid4me framework.
Library releases are available on Jcenter
compile 'com.smartnsoft:log4j:1.1'
compile 'com.smartnsoft:logentries:'
compile 'com.smartnsoft:logmatic:0.1.1'
Check out this repository and add it as a library project.
Import the project into your favorite IDE and add android.library.reference.1=/path/to/droid4me.log/the_choosen_module
to your project.properties
Library releases are not available on Maven Central or JCenter but you can generate an aar file by your owned :
gradle clean choosen_module:assembleRelease
gradle -b choosen_module/build.gradle clean assembleRelease
The Android Team @Smart&Soft, software agency http://www.smartnsoft.com
droid4me.log is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.