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Small library which can be used to display a rating popup. Different informations are used to trigger the popup such as last crash date, number of session, etc



// Local config
implementation 'com.smartnsoft:smartapprating-core:2.0.0'

// Firebase Remote Config
implementation 'com.smartnsoft:smartapprating-remoteconfig:2.0.0'

// Remote JSON config
implementation 'com.smartnsoft:smartapprating-json:2.0.0'

Configuration providers

There are multiple ways to configure the popup: A local configuration, a remote json or Firebase RemoteConfig.

For the local configuration, you just have to create a Configuration object with the required values and then give it to the builder via the setFallbackConfiguration method.

For the remote configuration, first you must host on your server a json which look like that : (sample). Then set the factory to JsonConfigFactory in the builder with the right URL and path.

Finally, for Firebase RemoteConfig, you can declare each field independently or just one field containing a json. The parameters to declare in RemoteConfig with their respective default key are :

Key Description
rating_disabled A quick way to enable or disable the component
rating_displaySessionCount After how many sessions do we want to display the popup
rating_maxNumberOfReminder How many times do we want to ask again after user used "later" button
rating_daysWithoutCrash How long after a crash can we ask for a rating
rating_daysBeforeAskingAgain How long after the last popup was displayed do we want to ask again
rating_maxDaysBetweenSession How many days can separate session before they are reset
rating_mainTitle Title of the popup asking for a rating
rating_mainText Message of the popup asking for a rating
rating_positiveStarsLimit How many stars do we want to consider the rating as positive
rating_dislikeMainTitle Title of the popup asking why user gave a negative rating
rating_dislikeMainText Message of the popup asking why user gave a negative rating
rating_dislikeActionButton Text of the action button redirecting to the support
rating_dislikeExitButtonText Text of the later button after a negative rating
rating_likeMainTitle Title of the popup asking why user gave a positive rating
rating_likeMainText Message of the popup asking why user gave a positive rating
rating_likeActionButton Text of the action button redirecting to the app page on the Play Store
rating_likeExitButton Text of the later button after a positive rating
rating_emailSupport Email used for negative ratings
rating_emailObject Subject of the email for the support
rating_emailHeaderContent Header for the support email
rating_config Single field containing the json configuration

If you want to change the keys in Firebase, you must override them by giving a RemoteConfigMatchingInformation object to the factory.

If not provided, some parameters have default values:

  • No popup can be displayed if a crash has occured in the last 15 days
  • No popup can be displayed if the last popup was diplayed in the last 3 days
  • Time between user sessions cannot exceed 3 days
  • 3 reminders maximum

Application configuration

Application class :

final SmartAppRatingManager ratingManager = new Builder(this)
        .setApplicationId(BuildConfig.DEBUG ? "com.smartnsoft.metro" : BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID)
        .setFallbackConfiguration(new Configuration())
        .setFactory(new JsonConfigFactory("", "api/json/get/4yBX9X0CN"))
        //.setFactory(new RemoteConfigFactory())

// Needed to detect crashes
SmartAppRatingManager.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(this, Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler());

In order to count the number of session :


Display the popup :

  • If you want to retrieve the configuration and display the popup in one call
  • If you want to retrieve the configuration and display the popup later
// first
// then later

If you want to ask user to rate the app again, for example after a major update, you'll have to use this method:


Custom popup activity

If you want to use a custom layout or override specific parts of the popup activity :

  • Extends from class AbstractSmartAppRatingActivity
public final class MyCustomAppRatingActivity
    extends AbstractSmartAppRatingActivity

  protected int getLayoutId()
    return R.layout.my_custom_layout;
  • And register the new one in the SmartAppRatingManager Builder
final SmartAppRatingManager smartAppRatingManager = new Builder(this)
  • Analytics

A lot of analytics events can be sent from the popup. If you need them, you will need to send events to your analytics platform via the method sendAnalyticsEvent

Events currently implemented in the library :

  • Main screen is displayed
  • User selects a rating
  • User clicks on later button on the main screen
  • User clicks on the action button on the positive or negative feedback button
  • User clicks on the later button on the positive or negative feedback button

To override default event names or extras, just override the correct method from RatingScreenAnalyticsInterface interface implemented by AbstractSmartAppRatingActivity


2.0.0 (2019-10-21)

  • Converted a lot of files to Kotlin
  • Added Local and RemoteConfig configuration support
  • Each configuration support requires a specific module

1.2.0 (2019-06-05)

  • Added the ability to set custom drawable for each position of the rating bar
  • Available on Bintray !

1.1.0 (2018-06-05)

  • Updated ConstraintLayout to version 1.1.0
  • Added a way to get RatingPopup Intent to add more extras
  • Improved the rating bar widget
  • Disabled the reset rating feature of the SimpleRatingBar

1.0.0 (2018-02-01)

  • Initial release


The Android Team @ Smart&Soft, software agency


All sorts of contributions are welcome. Please create a pull request and/or issue.


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