Simple Mandelbrot Set visualizer Allows the user to customize the zoom scale, centered coordinates, and number of threads used for rendering
Implement nice command-line driven menu system for allowing user to specify arguments during runtime outside of command line argumentsDone!- (Eventually) implement GUI for controlling render settings
- Allow the user to specify the resolution outside of editing the class
- Allow the color scheme to be chosen by the user or adjusted in some way
- Allow arguments in the makefile run command to be passed to the java run command
make package
make run //requires the jar file to be made and will prompt for default or custom settings
java -jar Mandelbrot.jar 1 //specifies zoom
java -jar Mandelbrot.jar 1 -0.875 1 //specifies zoom and coordinates
java -jar Mandelbrot.jar 1 -0.875 1 4 //specifies zoom, coordinates, and thread count