An AR artwork social media application to share artwork and AR art galleries, built with SwiftUI, UIKit, MapKit, Core Location, Firebase and ARKit.
- Preview artwork in augmented reality using ARKit
- Save WorldMap and anchor points to cloud firestore allowing users to share and edit galleries from separate devices
- Resizable and reconfigurable
- Images adapt to ambient light for more realistic appearance
* View AR gallery location on map relative to user's position
* Details of location shows WorldMap location for user to find exact gallery location
* Users can then load WorldMap to view gallery from this screen
- Users can create and edit profiles
- Authentication by Firebase
- Profiles stored in Firestore
* Settings page allows users to choose new avatar and resize it
* Users can also update username
- Artwork displayed in scrollable view
- Menus and navigation disappear on scroll
- Tab bar returns to main view on tap, not child views
- User chat system with Firebase backend
- Users can share artwork and galleries
- All chats listen for updates and redirect to latest message
- Shared artworks appear as thumbnail preview in chat window
- Taping artwork from wall redirects to details page
- displays name, description
- header provides ability to redirect to artist profile, share the art, message the artist, or preview in AR
- Allows users to view artist profile, their followers and who they're following
- Allows users to follow artist
- Users can go to the artist's AR gallery to display, manipulate, save and restore their artworks in AR
- If the current users is the artist, gives the ability to travel to upload screen to add to their gallery
* Users can upload images and include name and description
* Users can delete posts
- Application supports followers
- Users can see who follows them and who they're following
- Allows sharing of artwork between followers
- Custom image cropped to allow users to adjust avatars to desired size
- Compresses cropped images and uploads them to firestore
- From artwork details users can fullscreen the artwork for more detail
- Users can zoom, un-zoom, and drag the image around the screen
- Supports detection of orientation change to allow horizontal viewing of art