This repo has been deprecated and moved to smile-identity-core-python3
The official Smile Identity library exposes four classes namely; the WebApi class, the IDApi class, the Signature class and the Utilities class.
The WebApi Class allows you as the Partner to validate a user’s identity against the relevant Identity Authorities/Third Party databases that Smile Identity has access to using ID information provided by your customer/user (including photo for compare). It has the following public method:
- submit_job
The IDApi Class lets you performs basic KYC Services including verifying an ID number as well as retrieve a user's Personal Information. It has the following public methods:
- submit_job
The Signature Class allows you as the Partner to generate a sec key to interact with our servers. It has the following public methods:
- generate_sec_key
The Utilities Class allows you as the Partner to have access to our general Utility functions to gain access to your data. It has the following public methods:
- get_job_status
- validate_id_params
- validate_partner_params
- get_smile_id_services
This library requires specific input parameters, for more detail on these parameters please refer to our documentation for Web API.
Please note that you will have to be a Smile Identity Partner to be able to query our services. You can sign up on the Portal.
View the package on Pypi.
Add the group, name and version to your application's build file, it will look similar based on your build tool:
pip install smile-id-core
You now may use the classes as follows:
Import the necessary dependant classes for Web Api:
from smile_id_core import WebApi
Your call to the library will be similar to the below code snippet:
from smile_id_core import WebApi, ServerError
connection = WebApi(
api_key="<the decoded-version of-your-api-key>",
partner_params = {
"user_id": str("uuid4"),
"job_id": str("uuid4"),
"job_type": 1,
id_info_params = {
"first_name": "FirstName",
"middle_name": "LastName",
"last_name": "MiddleName",
"country": "NG",
"id_type": "PASSPORT",
"id_number": "A00000000",
"dob": "1989-09-20",
"phone_number": "",
"entered": True,
image_params = [{"image_type_id": "2", "image": "base6image"}]
options_params = {
"return_job_status": True,
"return_history": True,
"return_images": True,
response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, image_params, id_info_params, options_params, use_validation_api=True)
except ValueError:
# some of your params entered for a job are not valid or missing
print("handle ValueError")
except ServerError:
# Server returned an error
print("handle ServerError")
except FileNotFoundError:
# Sent a file which could not be found
print("handle FileNotFoundError")
In the case of a Job Type 5 (Validate an ID) you can simply omit the the image_params and options_params keys. Remember that the response is immediate, so there is no need to query the job_status. There is also no enrollment so no images are required. The response for a job type 5 can be found in the response section below.
response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, None, id_info, None)
is optional and defaults to true. This will call the smile server and gets all required
input information for a job type and id type and checks if you have provided required information, else it will throw an exception.
Should you choose to set return_job_status to false, the response will be a JSON String containing:
{"success": true, "smile_job_id": smile_job_id}
However, if you have set return_job_status to true (with image_links and history) then you will receive JSON Object response like below:
"job_success": true,
"result": {
"ConfidenceValue": "99",
"JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
"Actions": {
"Verify_ID_Number": "Verified",
"Return_Personal_Info": "Returned",
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie": "Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File": "Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Register_Selfie": "Approved",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Authority_Compare": "Completed",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare": "Not Applicable"
"ResultText": "Enroll User",
"IsFinalResult": "true",
"IsMachineResult": "true",
"ResultType": "SAIA",
"PartnerParams": {
"job_type": "1",
"optional_info": "we are one",
"user_id": "HBBBBBBH57g",
"job_id": "HBBBBBBHg"
"Source": "WebAPI",
"ResultCode": "0810",
"SmileJobID": "0000001111"
"code": "2302",
"job_complete": true,
"signature": "HKBhxcv+1qaLy\C7PjVtk257dE=|1577b051a4313ed5e3e4d29893a66f966e31af0a2d2f6bec2a7f2e00f2701259",
"history": [
"ConfidenceValue": "99",
"JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
"Actions": {
"Verify_ID_Number": "Verified",
"Return_Personal_Info": "Returned",
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie": "Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File": "Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Register_Selfie": "Approved",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Authority_Compare": "Completed",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare": "Not Applicable"
"ResultText": "Enroll User",
"IsFinalResult": "true",
"IsMachineResult": "true",
"ResultType": "SAIA",
"PartnerParams": {
"job_type": "1",
"optional_info": "we are one",
"user_id": "HBBBBBBH57g",
"job_id": "HBBBBBBHg"
"Source": "WebAPI",
"ResultCode": "0810",
"SmileJobID": "0000001111"
"image_links": {
"selfie_image": "image_link"
"timestamp": "2019-10-10T12:32:04.622Z",
"success": true,
"smile_job_id": "0000001111"
You can also view your response asynchronously at the callback that you have set, it will look as follows:
"job_success": true,
"result": {
"ConfidenceValue": "99",
"JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
"Actions": {
"Verify_ID_Number": "Verified",
"Return_Personal_Info": "Returned",
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie": "Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File": "Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Register_Selfie": "Approved",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Authority_Compare": "Completed",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare": "Not Applicable"
"ResultText": "Enroll User",
"IsFinalResult": "true",
"IsMachineResult": "true",
"ResultType": "SAIA",
"PartnerParams": {
"job_type": "1",
"optional_info": "we are one",
"user_id": "HBBBBBBH57g",
"job_id": "HBBBBBBHg"
"Source": "WebAPI",
"ResultCode": "0810",
"SmileJobID": "0000001111"
"code": "2302",
"job_complete": true,
"signature": "HKBhxcv+1qaLy\C7PjVtk257dE=|1577b051a4313ed5e3e4d29893a66f966e31af0a2d2f6bec2a7f2e00f2701259",
"history": [
"ConfidenceValue": "99",
"JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
"Actions": {
"Verify_ID_Number": "Verified",
"Return_Personal_Info": "Returned",
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie": "Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File": "Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Register_Selfie": "Approved",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Authority_Compare": "Completed",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare": "Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare": "Not Applicable"
"ResultText": "Enroll User",
"IsFinalResult": "true",
"IsMachineResult": "true",
"ResultType": "SAIA",
"PartnerParams": {
"job_type": "1",
"optional_info": "we are one",
"user_id": "HBBBBBBH57g",
"job_id": "HBBBBBBHg"
"Source": "WebAPI",
"ResultCode": "0810",
"SmileJobID": "0000001111"
"image_links": {
"selfie_image": "image_link"
"timestamp": "2019-10-10T12:32:04.622Z"
If you have queried a job type 5 (Validate an ID), your response be a JSON String that will contain the following:
"ResultType":"ID Verification",
"ResultText":"ID Number Validated",
"FullName":"John Doe",
Sometimes, you may want to get a particular job status at a later time. You may use the get_job_status function to do this:
You will already have your Web Api or Utilities class initialised as follows:
from smile_id_core import WebApi,Utilities,ServerError
connection = WebApi("< String partner_id >", "< String default_callback_url >",
"< String decoded_version_of_api_key >", "< Integer 0 | | 1 >")
# OR
connection = Utilities("< String partner_id >", "< String default_callback_url >",
"< String decoded_version_of_api_key >", "< Integer 0 | | 1 >")
except ValueError:
# some of your params entered for a job are not valid or missing
print("handle ValueError")
# Thereafter, simply call get_job_status with the correct parameters using the classes we have provided:
# create the stringified json for the partner params using our class (i.e. user_id, job_id, and job_type that you would are querying)
partner_params = {
"user_id": str(uuid4()),
"job_id": str(uuid4()),
"job_type": 1,
# create the options - whether you would like to return_history and return_image_links in the job status response
options_params = {
"return_job_status": True,
"return_history": True,
"return_images": True,
response = connection.get_job_status(partner_params, options_params)
except ValueError:
# some of your params entered for a job are not valid or missing
print("handle ValueError")
except ServerError:
# Server returned an error
print("handle ServerError")
An API that lets you performs basic KYC Services including verifying an ID number as well as retrieve a user's Personal Information
Import the necessary dependant classes for ID Api:
from smile_id_core import IdApi, ServerError
Your call to the library will be similar to the below code snippet:
partner_params = {
"user_id": str(uuid4()),
"job_id": str(uuid4()),
"job_type": 5,
id_info_params = {
"first_name": "FirstName",
"middle_name": "LastName",
"last_name": "MiddleName",
"country": "NG",
"id_type": "PASSPORT",
"id_number": "A00000000",
"dob": "1989-09-20",
"phone_number": "",
"entered": True,
connection = IdApi("< String partner_id >", "< String decoded_version_of_api_key >", "< Integer 0 | | 1 >")
response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, id_info_params)
except ValueError:
# some of your params entered for a job are not valid or missing
print("handle ValueError")
except ServerError:
# Server returned an error
print("handle ServerError")
use_validation_api is optional and defaults to true this will call the smile server and gets all required input information for a job type and id type and checks if you have provided required information else it will throw an exception
Your response will return a JSON String containing the below:
"ResultType":"ID Verification",
"ResultText":"ID Number Validated",
"FullName":"John Doe",
Use the Signature class as follows:
from smile_id_core import Signature
signature = Signature("partner_id", "api_key")
signature_dict = signature.generate_sec_key(timestamp) # where timestamp is optional
The response will be a dict:
"sec_key": "<the generated sec key>",
"timestamp": "<timestamp that you passed in or that was generated>"
You may want to receive more information about a job. This is built into Web Api if you choose to set return_job_status as true in the options class. However, you also have the option to build the functionality yourself by using the Utilities class. Please note that if you are querying a job immediately after submitting it, you will need to poll it for the duration of the job.
from smile_id_core import Utilities, ServerError
connection = Utilities("<partner_id>", "<the decoded-version of-your-api-key>", "<sid_server>")
job_status = connection.get_job_status("<partner_params>", "<option_params>", "<sec_key>", "<timestamp>")
except ValueError:
# some of your params entered for a job are not valid or missing
print("handle ValueError")
except ServerError:
# Server returned an error
print("handle ServerError")
This returns the job status as stringified json data.
from smile_id_core import Utilities
Utilities.validate_id_params("sid_server<0 for test or 1 for live or a string url>", "id_info_params", "partner_params", "use_validation_api=True")
except ValueError:
# some of your params entered for a job are not valid or missing
print("handle ValueError")
This will validate id parameters using the smile services endpoint which checks the provided user id and partner params. If use_validation_api is False it will only do a local validation to check for country, id type and id number but by default this is True and will check against the smile services endpoint and if any key is missing will throw an exception
from smile_id_core import Utilities,ServerError
Utilities.get_smile_id_services("sid_server<0 for test or 1 for live or a string url>")
except ValueError:
# some of your params entered for a job are not valid or missing
print("handle ValueError")
except ServerError:
# Server returned an error
print("handle ServerError")
This will return the smile services endpoint as a json object and can then be used for validation as per requirement
- Set up virtual env.
- After checking out the repo, run
pip install -r requirements
to install all required packages.
This is the that you can always reference for history.
Tests are based on pytest
To run tests run pytest
in the root folder of the project
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
Please format the code with black prior to submitting pull requests, by running:
black .
from the project's root.