This is the list of some useful Linux commands with their uses. By saying Useful, I mean useful for me off course. Actually it's an effort to write down all the commands and their uses which I encountered, encountering and will encounter on my journey through the Linux world! Why?
Because I suck at memorizing! And Googling the same old thing is waste of time and effort.
It's solely for my personal purpose. But I thought it would be useful for other peoples too. Specially people like me! ;)
Anyways, I divided all the commands into two main category: No-root requires no root or superuser access; And Root which requires it.
Most of the commands are pretty much universal but some may only work on Debian/Ubuntu based distributions because I mainly use Ubuntu as my daily driver.
Also, I may list some commands that are not built in and you need to install the required packages manually.
And again, these commands are what I fetch and think are useful to me.