A library for the Rasperry Pi Pico (rp2040) to run LC displays (HD4478 controller) using the Arduino framework.
This is a (simplified) version of the LiquidCrystal_I2C library created by Marco Schwartz, adapated for the rp2040 microcontroller. The library supports the following functions:
- PicoLCD_I2C(uint8_t i2c_port, uint8_t addr, uint8_t scl, uint8_t sda);
- PicoLCD_I2C(uint8_t i2c_port, uint8_t addr, uint8_t scl, uint8_t sda, uint8_t linesize);
- PicoLCD_I2C(uint8_t i2c_port, uint8_t addr, uint8_t scl, uint8_t sda, uint8_t linesize, uint32_t i2c_speed);
Public functions:
- void begin();
- void clear(void);
- void write(char value);
- void print(const char *s);
- void setCursor(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
- void home(void);
- void setBacklight(bool backlight);
- void displayOn(void);
- void displayOff(void);
- void cursorOn(void);
- void cursorOff(void);
- void blinkOn(void);
- void blinkOff(void);
- void createChar(uint8_t location, uint8_t charmap[]);
- Display: GND -> Pico: any ground pin
- Display: Vcc -> Pico: Vbus (+5.0 V) (pin 40)
- Display: SDA -> Pico: any of the SDA pins that are available for the selected I2C bus, e.g. 4 for i2c0 (GPIO4 is pin 6)
- Display: SCL -> Pico: any of the SCL pins that are available for the selected I2C bus, e.g. 5 for i2c0 (GPIO5 is pin 7)
Tested with standard displays of size 216 and 420
- The user can select the respective I2C port (0 for i2c0, 1 for i2c1) and GPIOs for sda and scl.
- Please refer to the rp2024 documentation to see the GPIO pins available for the selected I2C bus.
- Default linesize is 20. Default I2C speed is 100k.
- Internal pull up resistors for SDA and SCL will be activates.
- I2C clock speed of 100000 to 400000 are supported. Some displays can't handle higher speed.
- At this stage. the functionality is limited to what I need for now. Other functions can be added easily.