Install depedencies using bower:
bower install angular-csv-import
Add js libraries to your application:
<script src="bower_components/angular-csv-import/dist/angular-csv-import.js"></script>
Add ngCSVImport module to you application
.module('myAwesomeApp', [
Include the ng-csv-import element with its options:
<ng-csv-import content="csv.content"
- csv.content
A variable which will contain the content loaded by the file input
- csv.header
A variable that says whether or not the source CSV file contains headers
- csv.headerVisible
A variable to toggle header visibility
- csv.separator
A variable containing the separtor used in the CSV file
- csv.separatorVisible
A variable to toggle separator visibility
- csv.encoding
A variable to set the CSV file encoding
- csv.encodingVisible
A variable to toggle encoding visibility
- csv.result
A variable which will contain the result of the CSV to JSON marshalling.
- csv.accept
An optional variable to limit what file types are accepted. Ex. ".csv" to only accept csv file types.
- csv.acceptSize
An optional variable to limit the size of the files that are accepted in bytes. Ex. "1024" to only accept files up to 1kB.
- csv.acceptSizeExceedCallback
An optional variable to pass in a callback to execute if the user attempted to upload a file larger than csv.acceptSize. Will run instead of parsing.
- csv.callback
An optional variable to pass in a callback to execute once the file has been parsed. Will run following any successful parsing (ie change file, change separator, etc...).