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Version bump after allowing multiple p-values in mergeByHMP
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smped committed Feb 11, 2024
1 parent acb949e commit c136a32
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Showing 3 changed files with 46 additions and 33 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Package: extraChIPs
Version: 1.7.0
Version: 1.7.1
Title: Additional functions for working with ChIP-Seq data
Authors@R: person("Stephen", "Pederson",
email = "[email protected]",
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75 changes: 44 additions & 31 deletions R/mergeByHMP.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ setMethod(
df <-
df_cols <- colnames(df)
logfc <- match.arg(logfc, df_cols)
pval <- match.arg(pval, df_cols, several.ok = TRUE)
pcol <- match.arg(pval, df_cols, several.ok = TRUE)
cpm <- match.arg(cpm, df_cols)
p_adj_method <- match.arg(p_adj_method, c(p.adjust.methods, "fwer"))
keyval <- match.arg(keyval)
Expand All @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ setMethod(

## Define the columns to return
ret_cols <- c("keyval_range", cpm, logfc, pval)
ret_cols <- c("keyval_range", cpm, logfc, pcol)
if (!is.null(inc_cols)) {
inc_cols <- vapply(
inc_cols, match.arg, character(1), choices = df_cols
Expand All @@ -134,33 +134,32 @@ setMethod(
## Summarise the key values
df[["subjectHits"]] <- subjectHits(ol)
grp_df <- group_by(df, subjectHits)
main_p <- paste0(hm_pre, pval[[1]])
ref_p <- pcol[[1]]
ref_hmp <- paste0(hm_pre, ref_p)
ret_df <- summarise(
all_of(pval), \(x) .ec_HMP(x, !!sym("weights")),
all_of(pcol), \(x) .ec_HMP(x, !!sym("weights")),
.names = "{hm_pre}{.col}"
n_windows = dplyr::n(),
n_up = sum(!!sym(logfc) > 0 & !!sym(pval[[1]]) < !!sym(main_p)),
n_down = sum(!!sym(logfc) < 0 & !!sym(pval[[1]]) < !!sym(main_p)),
"{cpm}" := sum(!!sym(cpm) / !!sym(pval[[1]])) /
sum(1 / !!sym(pval[[1]])),
"{logfc}" := sum(!!sym(logfc) / !!sym(pval[[1]])) /
sum(1 / !!sym(pval[[1]]))
n_up = sum(!!sym(logfc) > 0 & !!sym(ref_p) < !!sym(ref_hmp)),
n_down = sum(!!sym(logfc) < 0 & !!sym(ref_p) < !!sym(ref_hmp)),
"{cpm}" := sum(!!sym(cpm) / !!sym(ref_p)) / sum(1 / !!sym(ref_p)),
"{logfc}" := sum(!!sym(logfc) / !!sym(ref_p)) / sum(1 / !!sym(ref_p))
## Replace the 'pval' column in the return columns with 'hmp'
new_cols <- paste0(hm_pre, ret_cols[ret_cols %in% pval])
ret_cols[ret_cols %in% pval] <- new_cols
new_cols <- paste0(hm_pre, ret_cols[ret_cols %in% pcol])
ret_cols[ret_cols %in% pcol] <- new_cols

## Remaining columns, including the keyval range are based on the
## minimal p-value. Form a separate df with these columns, then merge
inc_df <-[c(pval, inc_cols)])
inc_df <-[c(pcol, inc_cols)])
inc_df[["keyval_range"]] <- as.character(x)
inc_df[["subjectHits"]] <- subjectHits(ol)
inc_df <- arrange(inc_df, !!sym("subjectHits"), !!sym(pval[[1]]))
inc_df <- arrange(inc_df, !!sym("subjectHits"), !!sym(ref_p))
inc_df <- distinct(inc_df, !!sym("subjectHits"), .keep_all = TRUE)
inc_df <- inc_df[!names(inc_df) %in% pval]
inc_df <- inc_df[!names(inc_df) %in% pcol]

## If keyval = "merged" (as opposed to "min")
if (keyval == "merged") { ## Reform the keyvalue range by merging
Expand All @@ -170,8 +169,10 @@ setMethod(
df <- dplyr::filter(
(!!sym(pval[[1]]) <= !!sym(main_p) |
!!sym(pval[[1]]) == min(!!sym(pval[[1]]))),
!!sym(ref_p) <= !!sym(ref_hmp) |
!!sym(ref_p) == min(!!sym(ref_p))
.by = !!sym("subjectHits")
kv_gr <- colToRanges(df, "range")
Expand All @@ -191,33 +192,45 @@ setMethod(
ret_df, inc_df, by = "subjectHits", relationship = "one-to-one"
ret_df <- ret_df[c(n_cols, ret_cols)]
adj_col <- p_adj_method
if (p_adj_method != "fwer") {
ret_df[[adj_col]] <- p.adjust(ret_df[[main_p]], p_adj_method)
} else {
if (p_adj_method == "fwer") {
## Apply the FWER adjusted version if requested
L <- length(x)
adj_df <- summarise(
adjp = .ec_HMP_adj(!!sym(pval[[1]]), !!sym("weights"), L)
all_of(pcol), \(x) .ec_HMP_adj(x, !!sym("weights"), L),
.names = "{hm_pre}{.col}_fwer"
), .groups = "drop"
## This could be revisited for better integration with filtering
ret_df[[adj_col]] <- adj_df[["adjp"]]
stopifnot(nrow(ret_df) == nrow(adj_df))
ret_df <- bind_cols(ret_df, adj_df)
mcols(ranges_out) <-
ranges_out$keyval_range <- GRanges(
ranges_out$keyval_range, seqinfo = seqinfo(ranges_out)

## Apply the filter based on window size
ranges_out <- ranges_out[ranges_out$n_windows >= min_win]
## Re-adjust p-values if using conventional methods
keep_win <- ret_df$n_windows >= min_win
ranges_out <- ranges_out[keep_win]
ret_df <- ret_df[keep_win,]

## Adjust p-values using p.adj.methods (after window size filtering)
if (p_adj_method != "fwer") {
vals <- p.adjust(mcols(ranges_out)[[main_p]], p_adj_method)
mcols(ranges_out)[[adj_col]] <- vals
## This can now create multiple p-adjust columns.
ret_df <- mutate(
all_of(new_cols), \(x) p.adjust(x, method = p_adj_method),
.names = "{.col}_{p_adj_method}"

## Add to mcols to the ranges
mcols(ranges_out) <-
ranges_out$keyval_range <- GRanges(
ranges_out$keyval_range, seqinfo = seqinfo(ranges_out)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/testthat/test_mergeByHMP.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ test_that("mergedByHMP behaves correctly for GRanges",{
expect_equal(length(mergeBySig(x, pval = "p")), 2)
expect_s4_class(mergeBySig(x, df, pval = "p")$keyval_range, "GRanges")
expect_equal(as.character(new_gr$keyval_range), as.character(x)[-1])
expect_true(all(c("hmp", "fdr") %in% colnames(mcols(new_gr))))
expect_true(all(c("hmp", "hmp_fdr") %in% colnames(mcols(new_gr))))
as.numeric(harmonicmeanp::p.hmp(x$p[1:2], L = 2, multilevel = FALSE))
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