- Window Manager: bspwm
- Shell: fish
- Term: st
- Bar polybar
- Compositor picom
- Editor neovim
- Application Launcher rofi
- GTK Theme oranchelo
- Notification Daemon dunst
- Music server mpd
*this rice was made for framework laptop and may not work on other systems or resolutions (2256x1504)
Install Arch with this guide: Arch-Install.md
Clone this repo to home directory
git clone https://github.com/smravec/.dotfiles-bspwm ~/.dotfiles
Install dependencies
yay -S xorg xorg-xinit xclip xcursor-breeze xcb-util-cursor unclutter oranchelo-icon-theme \
bspwm sxhkd picom polybar \
fish \
ttf-material-desing-icons-webfont ttf-jetbrains-mono \
pulseaudio pulse-bluetooth pulsemixer mpd mpc \
rofi clipster dunst \
firefox-developer-edition libreoffice vscodium-bin superproductivity-bin ocenaudio-bin krita vlc shotcut \
discord signal-desktop \
brightnessctl bluetoothctl scrot \
cmatrix oneko cava pfetch feh colorpicker gtop pipes.sh tty-clock-git ranger libmagick \
nodejs npm python python-pip \
xf86-video-intel intel-media-driver
pip install pypresence youtube-dl yt-dlp
copy your git token on set token "" (line 13, COPY TO CLIPBOARD section) into ""
vim ~/.dotfiles/config/sxhkd/SxhkdUtils
pair bluetooth headphones with this guide - https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/bluetooth#Pairing
copy the id into clipboard (can look like: 04:CB:88:C8:1D:A4)
and paste it next to connect (leave one space between connect and id) (line 103, BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES section)
vim ~/.dotfiles/config/sxhkd/SxhkdUtils
create basic home dirs (if they dont exist already)
mkdir ~/Downloads \
~/Music ~/Videos \
~/Pictures ~/Pictures/Screenshots
create or copy existing .kbx file here and name it passwords.kbx
mv your-kbx-file.kbx ~/.dotfiles/config/fish/scripts/passwords.kbx
for easier easier touchpad on laptop navigation run
sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d && sudo tee <<'EOF' /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-touchpad.conf 1> /dev/null
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Driver "libinput"
Option "Tapping" "on"
copy all the dotfiles
cp -r ~/.dotfiles/config/* ~/.config/
cp -r ~/.dotfiles/home-dir/* ~/
refresh font cache
fc-cache -fv
compile st
cd ~/.dotfiles/st
sudo make install
setup neovim
Keybind | Command |
super + Enter | Term |
super + r | Launcher |
super + c | Clipboard |
super + m | Music |
super + {a,s,d} | Floating, Tiled or Fullscreen state |
super + q | Close Window |
super + Shift + r | Quit Bspwm |
super + f | Change focus |
super + b | Connect to headphones |
super + g | Copy git token |
super + m | Select playlist |
super + n | Show last Dunst notification |
*super = Windows Key
Keybind | Command |
ctrl + z | Zoom |
ctrl + x | Unzoom |
ctrl + o | Scroll up |
ctrl + p | Scroll down |
mdownload - download media from youtube
dmount - mount device as user (editable without sudo)
passwords - open password database with kpcli