Massively parallel spectral Navier Stokes solver (UPC++, OpenMP)
Build by copying to and editing to match system. Must define where FFTW is and what compiler to use.
Reference papers and a doxygen setup. Build doxygen files with make docs in root directory.
Main Navier Stokes code. Uses a Fraction Step Method to evolve NS equations (AB2 on nonlinear and pressure terms, CN on viscous term). Initial conditions are vortices in a triply-periodic box.
Times the 3D FFT on random data and checks for correctness.
Various testing programs. Main test program is operators.cpp which checks curl, laplacian, gradient, etc for correctness.
Wrapper for FFTW that handles plan create, destruction, and execution. Stores plans for reuse.
Main distributed array class for storing a 3D scalar variable. Has 3D FFT functions as well as common operators such as gradient, Laplacian, and inverse Laplacian.
Stores 3 Scalar objects to represent vector variables. Defines FFT, cross product, divergence, vector Laplacian, and curl.
Operator overloaded arithmetic operators (+,-,*,etc.).
Writes Scalars and Vectors to to VTK in parallel. Writes a Visit master file to tell Visit how to combine the parallel files. Stores a list of pointers to Scalar and Vectors and outputs all variables to one VTK file (for each UPC++ rank).
Tracer particle class. Not yet parallelized. Use tri-linear interpolation to advect particles using the velocity field at each time step. Makes cool plots (Blender?).
Source code for dependencies. VisitWriter is the main VTK writer. chtimer contains CH_Timer a function tracer/timer (with edits for UPC++).