Releases: snowfrz/App-Installer
App Installer
In this release:
- Reduce crowding on the main View Controller
- Twitter links go straight to the Twitter app if it is installed. Otherwise, it just opens an in-app Safari View Controller
- Scar App Cleanup is now on a separate navigation controller, accessed through a modal segue
- Code optimizations
You must first use Impactor, Xcode, iResign or another signing tool to install App Installer to your device, then you're set. IPA file is attached if you want to use it in Impactor or iResign.
App Installer
In this release:
- Proper credit to CreatureSurvive for his massive contributions to App Installer
- Scar app removal process instructions
Size has increased to about 300KB, due to some redundant code. It will hopefully be cleaned up by next release.
You must first use Impactor, Xcode, iResign or another signing tool to install App Installer to your device, then you're set. IPA file is attached if you want to use it in Impactor or iResign.
App Installer
In this release:
- Fixed bug that caused a crash when tapping the "Install" button.
You must first use Impactor, Xcode, iResign or another signing tool to install App Installer to your device, then you're set. IPA file is attached if you want to use it in Impactor or iResign.
App Installer
In this release:
- Internal handling of networking, which allows us to remove the AFNetworking framework, and reduce the app size by over 5x (Thanks to CreatureSurvive)
- Switch most instances of objectForKey to the modern syntax (Thanks to CreatureSurvive)
- Remove redundant "Success" dialog, which had been included for development purposes and not removed for some reason (Thanks to CreatureSurvive)
- Check for update feature (you'll only see it when there's an update available)
- New visuals
- 3D Touch actions
- Bracket style update to match the rest of the code
- Other improvements that I can't remember off the top of my head
You must first use Impactor, Xcode, iResign or another signing tool to install App Installer to your device, then you're set. IPA file is attached if you want to use it in Impactor or iResign.
App Installer 1.0.1
In this release:
- Bug that caused App Installer to require iOS 10.3 is fixed
- New install button, with animations
- Small improvements (like the install button is greyed out when it can't be used, for example)
You must first use Impactor, Xcode, iResign or another signing tool to install App Installer to your device, then you're set. IPA file is attached if you want to use it in Impactor or iResign.
App Installer 1.0
App Installer 1.0
In this release:
- It works (most of the time)
You must first use Impactor, Xcode, iResign or another signing tool to install App Installer to your device, then you're set. IPA file is attached if you want to use it in Impactor or iResign.