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A Datetimepicker Component designed for Chakra-UI


npm i chakra-datetime-picker

# or

yarn add chakra-datetime-picker




This component utilize dayjs to support date and datetime input with Chakra-UI style



Props Type Description
cancelButtonProps ButtonProps Props of the cancel button
cancelText string Text of the cancel button
colorScheme string Color Scheme of the DatePicker Component
currentLangKey "en" | "zh" | "zh_cn" localization key of dayjs, used to localize dayjs
defaultValue string | number | Dayjs Default Value of the DatePicker
disableTimestampAfter number | false Any datetime after this value will be disabled
disableTimestampBefore number | false Any datetime before this value will be disabled
format string formatter of dayjs
isDisabled boolean Control is DatePicker disabled
okButtonProps ButtonProps Props of the ok button
okText string Text of the ok button
onCancel (day: Dayjs) => void Action when click cancel button
onChange (formattedDay: string, day: Dayjs) => void Action when select date
onOk (day: Dayjs) => void Action when click Ok button
picker "anniversary" | "date" Type of the DatePicker. "anniversary" type can select month and date only. "date" type can select year, month and date
showCancelButton boolean Display control of the cancel button
showOkButton boolean Display control of the ok button
showSelectableDays boolean Display control of the Selectable days
showTimeSelector boolean Display control of the Time Selector
size "sm" | "md" | "lg Size of the DatePicker Component
selectableDays { format: string; text: string; timestamp: number | Dayjs } [] Presets of dates. Can set display format and text.
value Dayjs | string | null Date Value of the Component


Includes all props of DatePicker

Props Type Description
allowClear boolean Display control of the clear button
datePickerDefaultIsOpen boolean Control the DatePicker component is opened by default
datePickerIsOpen boolean Control the DatePicker component is opened
inputProps InputProps Props of Chakra Input
isInvalid boolean Control is DatePickerInput invalid
name string Name of the DatePickerInput element
onBlur () => void Action when DatePickerInput out of focus
onClear (formattedValue: string, value: Dayjs) => void Action when clear button is clicked
onFocus () => void Action then DatePickerInput in focus
placeholder string Placeholder of DatePickerInput
ref Ref Ref forward to DatePickerInput
wrapPortal boolean Is DatePicker Wrapped by a Portal to document.body


A major overhaul of the current DatePicker is planned. The new version will includes updated UI, performance improve, and tidy up the component props.