A Datetimepicker Component designed for Chakra-UI
npm i chakra-datetime-picker
# or
yarn add chakra-datetime-picker
This component utilize dayjs to support date and datetime input with Chakra-UI style
Props | Type | Description |
cancelButtonProps | ButtonProps | Props of the cancel button |
cancelText | string | Text of the cancel button |
colorScheme | string | Color Scheme of the DatePicker Component |
currentLangKey | "en" | "zh" | "zh_cn" | localization key of dayjs, used to localize dayjs |
defaultValue | string | number | Dayjs | Default Value of the DatePicker |
disableTimestampAfter | number | false | Any datetime after this value will be disabled |
disableTimestampBefore | number | false | Any datetime before this value will be disabled |
format | string | formatter of dayjs |
isDisabled | boolean | Control is DatePicker disabled |
okButtonProps | ButtonProps | Props of the ok button |
okText | string | Text of the ok button |
onCancel | (day: Dayjs) => void | Action when click cancel button |
onChange | (formattedDay: string, day: Dayjs) => void | Action when select date |
onOk | (day: Dayjs) => void | Action when click Ok button |
picker | "anniversary" | "date" | Type of the DatePicker. "anniversary" type can select month and date only. "date" type can select year, month and date |
showCancelButton | boolean | Display control of the cancel button |
showOkButton | boolean | Display control of the ok button |
showSelectableDays | boolean | Display control of the Selectable days |
showTimeSelector | boolean | Display control of the Time Selector |
size | "sm" | "md" | "lg | Size of the DatePicker Component |
selectableDays | { format: string; text: string; timestamp: number | Dayjs } [] | Presets of dates. Can set display format and text. |
value | Dayjs | string | null | Date Value of the Component |
Includes all props of DatePicker
Props | Type | Description |
allowClear | boolean | Display control of the clear button |
datePickerDefaultIsOpen | boolean | Control the DatePicker component is opened by default |
datePickerIsOpen | boolean | Control the DatePicker component is opened |
inputProps | InputProps | Props of Chakra Input |
isInvalid | boolean | Control is DatePickerInput invalid |
name | string | Name of the DatePickerInput element |
onBlur | () => void | Action when DatePickerInput out of focus |
onClear | (formattedValue: string, value: Dayjs) => void | Action when clear button is clicked |
onFocus | () => void | Action then DatePickerInput in focus |
placeholder | string | Placeholder of DatePickerInput |
ref | Ref | Ref forward to DatePickerInput |
wrapPortal | boolean | Is DatePicker Wrapped by a Portal to document.body |
A major overhaul of the current DatePicker is planned. The new version will includes updated UI, performance improve, and tidy up the component props.