Boardgame for people who love IT. It is built for fun, social interactions, memes, and a little bit of strategy.
No real IT skills are required to play this game :)
With three sets of rules included: tutorial, regular, and hard modes!
- Order a physical copy: [email protected]
- Print your own physical copy from the latest release, it is free!
- Online via Table Top Simulator or create your own Table Top Simulator version
- Russian 🇷🇺
ChatGPT assistant called "Ship IT Rules CTO" to help you with the rules:
This is the earliest release of the game.
What I still have to do:
- Understand how to easily print it
- Play it myself, make others play it
- Collect feedback (please create GitHub issues or discussions for any feedback)
- Improve the game: the wording, balance, some mechanics
- Work on branding: logo, card design, etc
- Create tooling to be able to use Table Top Simulator for playtests
- Translate the better version of it into english
- Maybe even publish it officially
All possible income of this game will support my other OpenSource projects!
What this game is like?
I once played game, which motivated me to invent my own game in a similar setting.
Some people say that this game has some similarities to
Thanks a lot to all my friends, who helped me with ideas, playtesting, and rules.
Please, add yourself to AUTHORS
if you contributed in any way :)
Other projects that I use:
- Icons: FontAwesome
- You can print it and play with your friends for free!
- You can fork and change it (attribution and same license required)
- You cannot sell it, it would not be fair