About • Technologies • Installation • Contributing • License
HumanaEthica is an open-source broker that aims to connect charities and non-profit organizations with volunteers.
- Require download
- Postgres >= 14
- Java 21
- Maven
- Node 21.6 (Node Version Manager recommended)
- Docker
- No download required
- Install
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk postgresql
- Start db, change to postgres user and create DB
sudo service postgresql start
sudo su -l postgres
dropdb hedb
createdb hedb
- Create user to access db
psql hedb
- Rename
and fill its fields - Run server
cd backend
mvn clean spring-boot:run
- See documentation on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Rename
and fill its fields - Run frontend
cd frontend
npm i
npm start
- Access http://localhost:8081
The following video shows how setup when you install the software in your machine. Requires the software mentioned above.
Install Docker in you machine.
Copy data/access.log.example to data/access.log
cp data/access.log.example data/access.log
- Copy data/access.log.example to data/access.log
cp data/error.log.example data/error.log
- Build HumanaEthica in project top directory, where docker-compose.yml is
docker compose build
- Run HumanaEthica
docker compose up -d frontend
- See container logs, for instance for backend
docker logs backend
- After changing backend code, for a quick recompile and restart
docker compose up --no-deps -d --build backend
- Shutdown HumanaEthica
docker compose down
- Run unit tests
- All unit tests
docker compose up be-unit-tests
- A class of unit tests
UNIT=CreateEnrollmentMethodTest docker compose up be-unit-tests
- A unit test method
UNIT=CreateEnrollmentMethodTest#"create enrollment" docker compose up be-unit-tests
- Run integration tests
- All integration tests
docker compose up integration-tests
- A class of integration tests
INTEGRATION=ValidateActivityWebServiceIT docker compose up integration-tests
- An integration test method
INTEGRATION=ValidateActivityWebServiceIT#"volunteer validate activity" docker compose up integration-tests
An easy way to obtain a working development environment is to use the development container provided (see folder .devcontainer
). This requires Docker.
The following video shows how to setup the dev container using IDE IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate Edition).
Your contributions are always welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.