这是我的第一个github 第一次来学习github ,我感觉和新奇,感觉有点迷糊。
这是我第二次进行分支,和更改,我想再熟练一下。 不知道这次能不能有点什么不一样的地方。 宝宝,我爱你,祝你生日快乐。 你的生日我不能陪你,也没有礼物给你。 我感觉我快是个废物了。
第三次进行 git练习 . 好笨啊.
第四次: hw分支 .
the fifth : hw branch merge local master ? can i ? no,i can't .
sixth : can i just commit hw then the master can see the result ? yes, you can . nono ,i'll try it again. oh, it's true!
seventh : hw ,can you push it to show me the result ?
ok, master, let me try it , i think that's ok /
hw, this is the fact: i must merge you that i can see your pushed result .
so the fact is this : my branch commit something, i can see it through merge . i push it to origin master ,my branch just can see it through pull from origin master.