A mobile-friendly web application that helps users manage their budget by tracking, searching, and organizing their spending through transaction records and balance views.
Link to User Stories in the Issues Page
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
Python: This project requires Python 3.x. You can download Python from here.
Pip: Python's package installer,
, must also be installed. You can install/upgrade it by running:python -m ensurepip --upgrade
To get a local copy of the project, use the following command:
git clone https://github.com/software-students-fall2024/2-web-app-webstars.git
Navigate into directory by running following command:
cd 2-web-app-webstars.git
pip Note that most Python programs require the use of the package manager named pip - the default Python "package manager". A package manager is software that takes care of installing the correct version of any modules in the correct place for the current system you are running it on. It comes with most distributions of Python. On many machines, the Python 3-compatible version it is calld pip3 and on others it is simply pip.
Install pipenv using pip: ''' pip3 install pipenv '''
Activate it: ''' pipenv shell '''
Create and activate a virtual environment using the following commands:
python -m venv venv
For macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
For Windows:
To install Flask and pymongo, run the following commands:
pipenv install Flask
pipenv install pymongo
Install the project dependencies by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
A file named .env is necessary to run the application. This file contains sensitive environment variables holding credentials such as the database connection string, username, password, etc.
For the use of this project, the env file is sent to the admins/managers via the team's messenger channel (webstars).
Once this .env file is received and downloade, place it in the root directory of the project to ensure the application runs correctly.
On Mac, use the commands:
export FLASK_APP=app.py
export FLASK_ENV=development
On Windows, use
set FLASK_APP=app.py
set FLASK_ENV=development
Start flask with
flask run
This will output an address at which the app is running locally, e.g. Visit that address in a web browser.