A web app that recommends a movie to a user everyday. Users can keep track of the movies they've watched. Experience the app by visiting (https://swe-final-web-app-m232t.ondigitalocean.app/)
- Web App: Dockerhub
- MongoDB: Hosted on Mongo Atlas.
Paste the connection string we've sent you over Discord, or set up your own database using Mongo Atlas and copy your connection string into a .env file in the web-app
folder with the following format:
MONGO_URI=[your connection string]
Build the web app image from the Dockerfile. While in the outermost 5-Final-Yippee
docker build . -t web-app -f web-app/Dockerfile
Now that you have the web-app
image (check by running docker images
and it should appear in the list), instantiate a new container called webapp
docker run --name webapp -d -p 5000:5000 web-app
Necessary .env variables for connection to the Mongo database have been described above.