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Web interface for media-manager

Build Setup

git clone [email protected]:soixantecircuits/media-manager-admin.git
cd media-manager-admin


You can configure setting/default.json:

  "mediaManager": {
    "server": "localhost:8080",
    "apiRoute": "/api/v1"
  "listRefreshInterval": 4,
  "nbDisplayedOptions": [ 5, 10, 25, 50 ]

mediaManager.server is the media-manager server's adress. mediaManager.apiRoute is the base route to media-manager's endpoints. listRefreshInterval is the interval at which the list view is updated. nbDisplayedOptions is an array of possible number of medias displayed in one page.

If you want to change the port to listen to, you can do so by modifying the port in config/index.js. The default port is 4242.

media-manager-admin requires media-manager to be running in order to use the application


# Start the application
npm start

When the application has started, you can access localhost:[your_port], to display and moderate the files in the media-moderator server.