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Releases: solidify/scale


22 Oct 13:51
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v.1.3.21 - 2021-10-22

Small release with a bugfix


• Different time formating could bug out the board view, now fixed


07 Sep 08:13
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v.1.2.147 - 2021-09-07

We’ve updated our new board with improvements & more functionality. These functions are still hidden under the #new-boards. To check out the new board all you need to do is to add #new-board to the end of the URL, i.e.

What’s new?

• Added Sub-item functionality on cards
• Added toggle to hide cards without dependencies
• New setting to opt-out of telemetry


• New calculation on load/capacity in sprints


• Dependent teams are now showing in the mapping filter in the board hub
• Dependent teams are now showing in the Planning hub under each ART

Subitems on cards - *preview function

Now you’re able to view sub-items on your cards with a toggle in the board settings. This new function can increase loading times.


We’ve also added a button to add sub-items on cards in your board.

Improvement on Load/capacity management

Features will now show the total load of all user stories & product backlog items linked to it but it won’t be counted in the total load of the sprint.

User stories & Product backlog items will now be counted in the total load for the sprint when you place them in a specific sprint.

Hiding cards without dependencies - *Preview function in original board

Added a toggle in the board hub to hide cards without dependencies for easier overview & planning.


Opt out of telemetry

Added a function to opt out of telemetry. You can find this new toggle in organization settings > Scale


09 Aug 13:58
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1.2.135 - 2021-08-09

Small update with some improvements to the new board and some bug fixes.


  • Make sure mapping prioritization keeps the same priority as azure boards.
  • And some small UI fixes.


  • Removed unused feature to show all teams in mapping filter.


01 Jul 19:23
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1.2.123 - 2021-07-01

We're getting closer to release an updated implementation of the board! This is a big milestone for the team, which will enable several new use-cases of the board. In this release we're thrilled to release a fully functional preview of the board. We'll let it bake for a couple of weeks so share any feedback you have to [email protected] or use the Discussion here in GitHub.

To check out the new board all you need to do is to add #new-board to the end of the URL, i.e.

Board: UI refresh

Here are two example to compare the UI before and after the update:

Current board


New board


Three new things to try out:

1. Capacity and load

The board now supports adding capacity for the team and get the load shown relative to capacity. The

To show capacity on the board you first enable it from the board settings:


Now the board shows load/capacity indicators for each team and sprint. Click on the (+) to set your capacity. Scale will show the load based on the sum of story points for the child item of the card. If the load is less than the capacity the Load indicator is green, if you're getting close to the capacity it turns yellow and if you over commit it is shown in red.


2. Updated line visualization

We're working on improving the dependency visualization. First out is better line drawing, in the new board the lines are a little more spread out and there is a direction arrow on the line instead of at the end.

3. Events and milestones

The third new feature is that we now have a place to show events and milestones! We've added a calendar bar at the top of the board where event are shown as markers. Click on the marker and a line is shown vertically on the screen for clear traceability. Hoover over to see the details of the event.

You add markers from the board settings:



  • Objectives: corrected calculation of AV/BV. Planned Business Value total should exclude objectives that are not commited. Actual Business Value should include all BV credited included non-comitted objectives and this is not being included. This is now aligned and corrected.


01 Jul 19:01
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1.2.117 - 2021-06-28

In this release we tackled performance and usability of the Objectives hub.

Objectives: improved UX and performance

For large ART with lots of objectives that in turn are linked to a lot of board card Scale did not perform well. Load times were unacceptable and the list of items in the view became hard to manage. The solution we went for was to show the ART and team levels collapsed and then when expanded load each node individually. This results in much faster load time and give you the choice to expand the teams that are relevant to you.


Analytics: Show % data point label

To get better visibility of each data point we've added a label to each node.



  • None


22 Jun 20:22
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1.2.111 - 2021-06-22

Small update to fix so that the mapping panel filters correctly on teams. And while we fixed that we also added filtering on tags!

Board: filter on tags in mapping panel

It's been asked for some time to have a filter for tags when mapping items to the board. Now you can:



  • Board: mapping filter on teams does not work correctly. Teams mapped to areas in a hierarchy or using "includeChildren" was not filtering cards properly.


28 May 06:47
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1.2.102 - 2021-05-26

Internal update, no feature changes.


17 May 10:45
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1.2.101 - 2021-05-17

Minor patch update to address an issue with sub areas for teams + updated dependencies.



17 May 10:38
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1.2.77 - 2021-04-12

This update delivers the next increment of the features for showing multiple work item types on the board. We've now remove the constraint to only show Feature + 1 other type to allow any work item type. We've also published getting started and reference documentation here at the public repository.

Objective: link to any work item type om the board

With the improvements to allow multiple work item types on the board we've now also added the support to map any work item on the board to objectives.



  • Objectives: changes in work item form not reflected in Objectives grid.
  • Board: Objectives charm not shown for some configurations.


05 Apr 08:04
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1.2.70 - 2021-04-05

This update delivers the next increment of the features for showing multiple work item types on the board. We've now remove the constraint to only show Feature + 1 other type to allow any work item type. We've also published getting started and reference documentation here at the public repository.

Board: Show any work item type on the board

We now allow you to add any work item type on the board! The Dependency feature we released in review has now been extended to allow you to add any work item type on the board. The update enables the following use-cases:

  1. Show selected work item types as a cards and relate it to other cards using predecessor/successor links.
  2. Add new work item directly on the board.


You configure which items to show on the board from the settings dialog (default is Feature). Select the work item types you want to use from the board settings:


Note: if you have used the preview feature to show a Dependency work item on the board you may have to use the new configuration to select the work item type again.

The mapping panel will as expected also use the configured work item types.


Public documentation

We've finally released public documentation here at the public Scale GitHub repo. The first round of documentation focus on getting started and how to use Scale with these topics:

  • What is Scale?
  • Installing Scale
  • User reference
  • Administration
  • Troubleshooting and support

More is coming, including videos and how-to articles. Let us know if there's something you would like to see in the documentation.


  • Scale sometimes removes incorrect link for items with different link types.