This repository hosts the API definitions. It is intended as a read-only mirror; the source of truth for the APIs are the projects that own them. The goal of this repository is to allow for projects to consume an API without having to depend on the project that owns it.
Syncing the Gloo APIs is currently a semi-automated process and is done with 2 github actions, requiring manual approval in order to merge into master.
- In the gloo repo, a github action will run on each Gloo OS release. It will run
./hack/; make generate -B
in solo-apis and push to theupdate-gloo-apis
branch in solo-apis. - In the solo-apis repo, each push to
will automatically create a PR. - A member of the solo-io org must approve the pull request.
- Once the PR has merged into master, a tag should be created off of master corresponding to the Gloo tag which was used.