This game is based on where the numbers are added up to reach the overall total/target score which is a power of 2.
To run the game, the base code can be run using any IDE or via python shell. On running, the program starts by randomly initializing the game map.
It then asks the user to enter the target value for winning the game.
This indicates the power of two required to be acheived on pressing the keys. Currently this value should be set to greater than 4.
On entering the value, the user is free to start playing by pressing any of the arrow keys to navigate the position of the numbers on the game board.
The program also displays a message indicating which arrow key is pressed and the state of the game map after the operation.
Moreover, it also displays the current score of the user.
After any arrow key is pressed, a new game map is created with a corresponding 2 placed at any random location in the map
To quit the game, "ESC" key can be pressed. If the user presses any other key except for the arrow keys by mistake, the console displays an "INVALID KEY" message.