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Releases: sonata-nfv/son-gkeeper

v3.1 (2018-04-23)

23 Mar 11:03
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Fixed bugs

  • Newly created licence was not being returned correctly

Gatekeeper API (son-gtkapi)

  • Added Package delete API by UUID
  • Added list of function metrics' names
  • Added user token verification in licence retrieval (multiple and single)
  • Added definition of default PAGE_SIZE and PAGE_NUMBER through ENV variables

v3.0 (2017-09-01)

14 Sep 11:11
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  • Various bug fixes in all modules

Gatekeeper API (son-gtkapi)

  • Added user validation in:
    • package on-boarding, downloading and meta-data listing (single package or multiple packages);
    • service meta-data listing (single service or multiple services);
    • function meta-data listing (single function or multiple functions) and monitoring data requests;
    • service or function records listing (single record or multiple records)
  • Added KPIs for:
    • user registration;
    • package on-boarding, downloading and meta-data listing (single package or multiple packages);
    • service instantiation and service meta-data listing (single service or multiple services);
    • function meta-data listing (single function or multiple functions);
  • Added synchronous (through a web socket) and asynchronous (trough a file) function instance monitoring data requests;
  • Added package, service and function owner (username when the package was on-boarded) registration;
  • Added user public key (and, optionally, the certificate as well) update;
  • Added package validation and signing, by using the SDK provided (son-validate) validator;
  • Added integration with Licence Management (packages, services and functions now get a licence type tag);
  • Added user listing and profile update;
  • Added API to terminate running service instances;
  • Added time stamp to every KPI registered;
  • Added integration with the Rate Limit module

Packages Management (son-gtkpkg)

  • Added username when storing package, service and function meta-data, and package file;

Services Management (son-gtksrv)

  • Added ingress/egress fields (passed to the MANO Framework without being stored)
  • Added termination request

Functions Management (son-gtkfnct)

  • Minor environment and Puma Ruby web server changes
  • Added micro-services start-up time and life (in seconds)
  • Logging Improvements

Records Management (son-gtkrec)

  • Logging Improvements

Licences Management (son-gtklic)

  • Support licence management

User Management (son-gtkusr)

  • Added role management API:
    • List available roles
    • Create new roles
    • Update existing roles
    • Remove existing roles
    • Assign roles to users
  • Added group management API:
    • List available groups
    • Create new groups
    • Update existing groups
    • Remove existing groups
    • Assign groups to users
  • Added resource-permissions API:
    • List available policies from Service Platform resources
    • Define new policies to Service Platform resources
    • Update policies of existing Service Platform resources
    • Delete policies of existing Service Platform resources
  • Enhanced Authorization process:
    • Authorization process now uses support MongoDB database to load permissions and policies associated to Service Platform resources and perform authorization checks
    • Permissions and policies are no longer static
    • Added initial resource rule set to main GK APIs
  • Added new user type:
    • Added "Admin" user type to the User management
    • Adds "realm-admin" role to "Admin" user types and enables administrator permissions
  • Minor bug fixes

KPIs Management (son-gtkkpi)

  • Integrated with Gatekeeper API (son-gtkapi) KPI counters
  • Added micro-services start-up time and life (in seconds)

Keycloak Backend Server (son-keycloak)

  • Updated deployment:
    • Customizable master account for the User Management
    • Created customizable SONATA Service Platform administrator account
    • Added new predefined roles
  • Fixed bugs

VIM/WIM Management (son-gtkvim)

  • Data Model was updated on infrastructure-compute section

Security gateway (son-sec-gw)

  • Stability improvements
    • Protection against IP changes in internal components

Rate Limiter (son-gtkrlt)

  • Allows the definition of named limits, with a period and a value (bucket algorithm)
  • Allows the checking of named limit, returning the remaining allowed tries for the period

v2.1 (2017-05-22)

08 Jun 08:56
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  • Various bug fixes in all modules

Gatekeeper API (son-gtkapi)

  • Support for user registration (sign-up), user login (sign-in), user logout and User Management public key fetching;
  • Registration of first KPIs: package on-boarding and user registration counters;
  • Support for micro-service login
  • Improved error handling (namely when a requested route doesn't exist)
  • Improved default configurations: now in a services.yml file

User Management (son-gtkusr)

  • First version available, using Keycloak as its backend;
  • Creates SONATA Service Platform realm for Identity and Access management
  • Implements the Keycloak adapter client using OpenID Connect protocol and OAuth2 specification
  • Enables support for Direct Access Grants, exchanging user credentials to obtain an access token (JWT)
  • Enables user accounts registration and authentication
  • Enables service accounts registration and authentication
  • Supports two user type roles: 'developer' and 'customer'
  • Supports micro-services roles
  • Supports user type groups
  • Limited authorization support; permissions are predefined and static (this will be reworked for next release)
  • Supports users' public key storage for signing features (requires MongoDB database)

KPIs Management (son-gtkkpi)

  • First version available, ready to provide the registered KPIs on the GUI.
  • This module uses the prometheus' pushgateway component to create new counter or gauge metrics.
  • The created metrics can be updated: counter can be incremented with a given value, and gauge can be incremented or decremented.

Keycloak Backend Server (son-keycloak)

  • Open Source Identity and Access Management server for modern Applications and Services
  • Includes Keycloak configuration and deployment settings
  • Includes handshaking settings between Keycloak and User Management component

VIM/WIM Management (son-gtkvim)

  • Improvements in the VIM management code and features
  • First version of the WIM management features

v2.0 (2017-02-13)

14 Feb 12:40
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API (son-gtkapi)

  • Support for HTTPS;
  • Support for API scoping (/api) and versioning (/v2);
  • Support for pagination;
  • Extensive refactoring to reduce duplicate code;
  • Replaced dependency on RestClient gem for Curb, a much faster gem;
  • Automated tests added;

Service Management (son-gtksrv)

  • Minor tweaks, to better fit the API

Licence Management (son-gtklic)

  • First draft available, but not yet integrated with the API.

KPIs Management (son-gtkkpi)

  • First draft available, but not yet integrated with the API.

v1.0 (2016-09-15)

17 Sep 18:50
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SONATA's Gatekeeper

API (son-gtkapi)

  • New endpoint for updating a service instance (when there is a new version of the service or functions that are part of it);
  • Improved API with the Business Support System (BSS);
  • Removed the feature that returned a package file (instead of it's metadata), when the result of a query on packages was a single package;

Package Management (son-gtkpkg)

  • Removed support for the generation of a package file when the result of a query on packages was a single package;

Service Management

  • Support for updating a service instance;
  • Added interface to request the Service Lifecycle Manager at the MANO Framework the update of a service instance;
  • Accept and process notifications from the Service Lifecycle Manager;

v0.9 (2016-07-20)

20 Jul 14:33
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v0.9 (2016-07-20) Pre-release


  • Accepts requests for the available API, both in YAML format (/) and in HTML format (/api-doc)
  • Accepts and validates (simple validations only) package files, passing them to the Package Management micro-service;
  • Accepts requests for listing package descriptors, passing them to the Package Management micro-service and returning either a list of descriptors or a package file;
  • Accepts requests for listing services, passing them to the Service Management micro-service;
  • Accepts service instantiation requests, passing them to the Service Management micro-service;
  • Accepts queries for service instantiation requests's status, passing them to the Service Management micro-service;
  • Accepts requests for listing functions, passing them to the Function Management micro-service;
  • Accepts requests for listing VIMs, passing them to the VIM Management micro-service;
  • Accepts requests for creating new VIMs, passing them to the VIM Management micro-service;
  • Accepts requests for listing service and function records, passing them to the Record Management micro-service;

son-gtkpkg (Package Management)

  • Accepts and validates (more complex validations) package files, storing it's descriptor in the Catalogue;
  • Accepts requests for listing package descriptors, passing them to the Package Management micro-service and returning either a list of descriptors or a package file, generated from the descriptor data stored i the Catalogue;

son-gtksrv (Service Management)

  • Accepts requests for listing servicesin the Catalogue;
  • Accepts requests for creating new service instances in the MANO Framework;
  • Accepts notifications about service instantiation requests from the MANO Framework;
  • Accepts requests for the status of service instantiation requests;

son-gtkfnct (Function Management)

  • Accepts requests for listing functions in the Catalogue;

son-gtkvim (VIM Management)

  • Accepts requests for listing VIMs in the Infrastructure Abstraction;
  • Accepts requests for creating new VIMs in the Infrastructure Abstraction;
  • Accepts notifications about VIM creation from the Infrastructure Abstraction;
  • Accepts requests for the status of VIM creation requests;

son-gtkrec (Record Management)

  • Accepts requests for listing service and function records;