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Merge pull request #182 from sora-xor/sn-2891
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sn-2891 synthetic fee description
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arvifox authored Aug 29, 2023
2 parents 58f5b2d + 9b4402f commit e135ed5
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Showing 24 changed files with 132 additions and 110 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions common/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
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<string name="polkaswap_input_estimated">يتم تقدير المدخلات. ستبيع بحد أقصى %s أو ستتعثر المعاملة وتسترجع.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_balance">الرصيد %s غير كافٍ</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_liqudity">سيولة غير كافية</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee">رسوم حوض السيولة</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee_info">يذهب جزء من كل صفقة إلى موفري السيولة كحوافز للبروتوكول.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic token fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Total fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Total fee consists on fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee">رسوم حوض السيولة</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee_info">يذهب جزء من كل صفقة إلى موفري السيولة كحوافز للبروتوكول.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee_desc">The synthetic fee is composed of a synthetic asset fee and a dynamic fee to prevent front-running. The synthetic asset fee is determined upon the asset registration and can be changed at any time through governance. The dynamic fee is based on the percentage change in the oracle price.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Swap fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Your swap involves both a Synthetic fee and an LP fee.\nThe Synthetic fee is accounted when the swap goes through the XST liquidity source for synthetic assets, and the LP fee when the swap goes through liquidity pools.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market">سوق</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_smart_description">يضمن توجيه السيولة SMART أفضل سعر لأي معاملة من خلال الجمع بين أفضل خيارات الأسعار فقط من جميع الأسواق المتاحة. عند توفرها ، سيتم استخدام Token Bonding Curve (TBC) للسيولة طالما أن سعر الأصل في المتناول أكثر من أي مصادر أخرى ، حيث يتم استخدام مجمع XYK.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_tbc_description">TBC - الشراء فقط من منحنى الترابط المميز (السوق الأولية). هناك احتمال أن يصبح السعر غير مغري مقارنة بتجمع XYK (السوق الثانوية) ، ولكن القيمة المستلمة من المكافآت المكتسبة قد تكون أكثر ملاءمة بمرور الوقت.</string>
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions common/src/main/res/values-az/strings.xml
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<string name="polkaswap_input_estimated">Giriş hesablanır. Maksimum %s satacaqsınız və ya əməliyyat geri qaytarılacaq.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_balance">Balans kifayət deyil</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_liqudity">Qeyri-kifayət qədər likvidlik</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee">LP haqqı</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee_info">Hər bir ticarətin bir hissəsi protokol təşviqi olaraq likvidlik təminatçılarına keçir.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee">LP haqqı</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee_info">Hər bir ticarətin bir hissəsi protokol təşviqi olaraq likvidlik təminatçılarına keçir.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Sintetik token haqqı</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee_desc">Sintetik ödəniş sintetik aktiv haqqı və qabaqcadan qaçmağın qarşısını almaq üçün dinamik ödənişdən ibarətdir. Sintetik aktivin haqqı aktivin qeydiyyatı zamanı müəyyən edilir və istənilən vaxt idarəetmə vasitəsilə dəyişdirilə bilər. Dinamik ödəniş oracle qiymətindəki faiz dəyişikliyinə əsaslanır.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Ümumi ödəniş</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Ümumi ödəniş ödənişdən ibarətdir</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market">Bazar</string>
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions common/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
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<string name="polkaswap_input_estimated">Der Einsatz wird geschätzt. Du verkaufst höchstens %s oder die Transaktion wird rückgängig gemacht.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_balance">Unzureichender %s-Saldo</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_liqudity">Unzureichende Liquidität</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee">LP-Gebühr</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee_info">Ein Teil jeder Trade geht als Protokollanreiz an die Liquiditätsanbieter.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic token fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Total fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Total fee consists on fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee">LP-Gebühr</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee_info">Ein Teil jeder Trade geht als Protokollanreiz an die Liquiditätsanbieter.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee_desc">The synthetic fee is composed of a synthetic asset fee and a dynamic fee to prevent front-running. The synthetic asset fee is determined upon the asset registration and can be changed at any time through governance. The dynamic fee is based on the percentage change in the oracle price.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Swap fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Your swap involves both a Synthetic fee and an LP fee.\nThe Synthetic fee is accounted when the swap goes through the XST liquidity source for synthetic assets, and the LP fee when the swap goes through liquidity pools.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market">Markt</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_smart_description">SMART Liquiditätsrouting gewährleistet den besten Preis für jede Transaktion, indem es nur die besten Preisoptionen aus allen verfügbaren Märkten kombiniert. Wenn verfügbar, wird die Token Bonding Curve (TBC) für die Liquidität verwendet, solange der Preis des Assets günstiger ist als aus anderen Quellen, auf die der XYK-Pool zurückgreift.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_tbc_description">TBC - Kauf nur von der Token Bonding Curve (Primärmarkt). Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass der Preis im Vergleich zum XYK-Pool (Sekundärmarkt) ungünstig werden kann, aber der Wert, den man durch die verstärkten Rewards erhält, könnte sich im Laufe der Zeit als viel günstiger erweisen.</string>
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions common/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
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<string name="polkaswap_input_estimated">Se estima la entrada. Venderás un máximo de %s o la transacción se revertirá.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_balance">Saldo insuficiente de %s</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_liqudity">Liquidez insuficiente</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee">Tarifa LP</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee_info">Una porción de cada trade va a los proveedores de liquidez como incentivo del protocolo</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic token fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Total fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Total fee consists on fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee">Tarifa LP</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee_info">Una porción de cada trade va a los proveedores de liquidez como incentivo del protocolo</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee_desc">The synthetic fee is composed of a synthetic asset fee and a dynamic fee to prevent front-running. The synthetic asset fee is determined upon the asset registration and can be changed at any time through governance. The dynamic fee is based on the percentage change in the oracle price.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Swap fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Your swap involves both a Synthetic fee and an LP fee.\nThe Synthetic fee is accounted when the swap goes through the XST liquidity source for synthetic assets, and the LP fee when the swap goes through liquidity pools.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market">Mercado</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_smart_description">SMART liquidity routing ensures the best price for any transaction by combining only the best price options from all available markets. When available, Token Bonding Curve (TBC) will be used for liquidity as long as the asset price is more affordable than from other sources, upon which the XYK pool is utilized.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_tbc_description">TBC — buying only from the Token Bonding Curve (Primary Market). There is a possibility that the price can become unfavorable compared to the XYK pool (Secondary Market), but the value received from the vested rewards might turn out to be much more favorable over time.</string>
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions common/src/main/res/values-fa/strings.xml
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<string name="polkaswap_input_estimated">مقدار پرداختی تخمینی است. حداکثر مقدار %s خواهید فروخت، در غیر اینصورت تراکنش برگشت خواهد خورد.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_balance">مانده %s ناکافی</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_liqudity">نقدینگی ناکافی</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee">هزینه LP</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee_info">بخشی از هر معامله به عنوان مشوق پروتکل به ارائه دهندگان نقدینگی می‌رسد.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic token fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Total fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Total fee consists on fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee">هزینه LP</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee_info">بخشی از هر معامله به عنوان مشوق پروتکل به ارائه دهندگان نقدینگی می‌رسد.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee_desc">The synthetic fee is composed of a synthetic asset fee and a dynamic fee to prevent front-running. The synthetic asset fee is determined upon the asset registration and can be changed at any time through governance. The dynamic fee is based on the percentage change in the oracle price.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Swap fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Your swap involves both a Synthetic fee and an LP fee.\nThe Synthetic fee is accounted when the swap goes through the XST liquidity source for synthetic assets, and the LP fee when the swap goes through liquidity pools.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market">بازار</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_smart_description">مسیریابی نقدینگی SMART با ترکیب بهترین گزینه‌های قیمت از همه بازارهای موجود، بهترین قیمت را برای هر معامله تضمین می‌کند. در صورت امکان Token Bonding Curve (TBC) برای نقدینگی استفاده خواهد شد تا زمانی که قیمت دارایی مقرون به صرفه‌تر از منابع دیگر باشد، که در این حالت از استخر XYK استفاده می‌شود.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_tbc_description">TBC - خرید فقط از Token Bonfing Curve (بازار اولیه). ممکن است قیمت در مقایسه با مخزن XYK (بازار ثانویه) نامطلوب تر باشد، اما ارزش دریافتی از پاداش‌های اختصاص داده شده ممکن است در طول زمان بسیار مطلوب تر شود.</string>
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions common/src/main/res/values-fi/strings.xml
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<string name="polkaswap_input_estimated">Syöte on arvioitu. Myyt enintään %s tai kauppa palautuu.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_balance">Riittämätön %s saldo</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_liqudity">Riittämätön likviditeetti</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee">LP-maksu</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee_info">Osa jokaisesta kaupasta menee likviditeetin tarjoajille protokollakannustimena.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic token fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Total fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Total fee consists on fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee">LP-maksu</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee_info">Osa jokaisesta kaupasta menee likviditeetin tarjoajille protokollakannustimena.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee_desc">The synthetic fee is composed of a synthetic asset fee and a dynamic fee to prevent front-running. The synthetic asset fee is determined upon the asset registration and can be changed at any time through governance. The dynamic fee is based on the percentage change in the oracle price.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Swap fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Your swap involves both a Synthetic fee and an LP fee.\nThe Synthetic fee is accounted when the swap goes through the XST liquidity source for synthetic assets, and the LP fee when the swap goes through liquidity pools.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market">Market</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_smart_description">SMART likviditeetin reititys varmistaa parhaan hinnan jokaiselle tapahtumalle, yhdistämällä vain parhaat hintavaihtoehdot kaikilta saatavilla olevilta markkinoilta. Token Bonding Curvea (TBC) käytetään mahdollisuuksien mukaan likviditeettiin niin kauan kun resurssien hinta on edullisempi kuin muista lähteistä, jolloin taas hyödynnetään XYK-poolia.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_tbc_description">TBC – ostaminen vain Token Bonding Curvesta (ensisijainen markkina). On mahdollista, että hinnasta tulee epäedullinen verrattuna XYK-pooliin (toissijainen markkina), mutta saavutetuista palkkioista saatu arvo saattaa osoittautua paljon edullisemmaksi ajan myötä.</string>
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions common/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
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<string name="polkaswap_input_estimated">Le montant à fournir est estimé. Vous vendrez au maximum %s ou la transaction sera annulée.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_balance">Solde %s insuffisant</string>
<string name="polkaswap_insufficient_liqudity">Liquidité insuffisante</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee">Frais de LP</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liqudity_fee_info">Une partie de chaque transaction est reversée aux fournisseurs de liquidités à titre d\'incitation de la part du protocole</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic token fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Total fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Total fee consists on fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee">Frais de LP</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_fee_info">Une partie de chaque transaction est reversée aux fournisseurs de liquidités à titre d\'incitation de la part du protocole</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee">Synthetic fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_synthetic_fee_desc">The synthetic fee is composed of a synthetic asset fee and a dynamic fee to prevent front-running. The synthetic asset fee is determined upon the asset registration and can be changed at any time through governance. The dynamic fee is based on the percentage change in the oracle price.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee">Swap fee</string>
<string name="polkaswap_liquidity_total_fee_desc">Your swap involves both a Synthetic fee and an LP fee.\nThe Synthetic fee is accounted when the swap goes through the XST liquidity source for synthetic assets, and the LP fee when the swap goes through liquidity pools.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market">Marché</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_smart_description">Le routage de la liquidité SMART garantit le meilleur prix pour toute transaction en combinant uniquement les meilleures options de prix de tous les marchés disponibles. Lorsqu\'elle est disponible, la courbe de liaison de jeton (TBC) sera utilisée pour la liquidité tant que le prix de l\'actif est plus abordable que celui des autres sources, sur lesquelles le pool XYK est utilisé.</string>
<string name="polkaswap_market_tbc_description">TBC - achat uniquement à partir de la courbe de liaison de jeton (marché primaire). Il est possible que le prix devienne défavorable par rapport au pool XYK (marché secondaire), mais la valeur reçue des récompenses acquises pourrait s\'avérer beaucoup plus favorable au fil du temps.</string>
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