This repository contains the code for the website In the following steps it will be explained how to run this application locally.
First you will need to clone the repository. Before installing the packages provided by requirments.txt, you will need to install the zbar-library(Ubuntu only).
sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev -y
After that you will need to install the required packages provided by "requirments.txt". For this simply cd to your working directory, where you cloned the repo and execute:
pip install -r requirments.txt
The standart db_path for this repository will always be
db_path = '/var/www/nutron/user.db'
since this is the path provided for the website. If you want to run the application locally you will need to provide the path to the user.db database in your working directory Normaly this will be
db_path = 'user.db'
The changes need to be made in ´´ and ´´
In order to run the application, after you did all the steps before, you will just need to run the
If you need any help regarding the code feel free to contact me at [email protected] or Sorenso1947#1534 on discord.