Lightning Data -Views and Visualization
What is PlebDashboard?
Plebdashboard is an open-source dashboard for Lightning network. Numerous tools exist to read LN data. Plebdashboard is looking to make data and insights more acceible to both non data-savvy and non technical plebs. Our goal is to create visualizations and views (slices and dices of data) that bring interesting insights.
Here is what you'll get in the dashboard:
1: Insights on nodes: Growth of nodes, Segmentaion of nodes. Segmentation based on Fee and routing behavior. Segmentaion based on connectivity within the graph.
2: Insights on channens: Channel growth. Channel segmentation, Channel & Fee analysis. Channel size and fee correlation
3: Nodes X Channels Insights
4: Routing Simulator for your node
5: Channel recommendation optimizing multiple objective function. For e.g., optimizing for payment forward or fee, for the robustness of the LN graph (Pleb growth)