Includes Epigram: a type-smart, ergonomic, fast key/value data structure for serialization, persistence, marshalling, named arguments, etc.
Some of the functionality is demonstrated below. Objects can also be serialized. Raw bytes can be written to disk and restored.
#include <iostream>
#include "Epigram.hpp"
#include "EpAttribute.hpp"
d_epAttribute (double, args, smoothingCoeff);
d_epAttribute (int, args, interpolationFactor);
using namespace std;
void Func (EpigramRef i_args)
using namespace a_args;
double smoothing = i_args [smoothingCoeff];
cout << "smoothing: " << smoothing;
cout << ", interpolation: " << (int) i_args [interpolationFactor] << endl;
int main ()
Epigram e;
e ["named value"] = 1245.6;
double namedValue = e ["named value"];
cout << "named value: " << namedValue << endl;
double softExtraction = 888;
e ["not here"] >> softExtraction;
cout << "soft: " << softExtraction << endl;
double exists = 6.5421;
e ["named value"] >> exists;
cout << "exists: " << exists << endl;
e [999] = "string";
cout << "[999]: " << e [999].To <string> () << endl;
int array [] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6 };
e ["epigramCanCast"] = array;
vector <float> casted = e ["epigramCanCast"];
cout << "casted vector: ";
for (float f : casted)
cout << f << " ";
cout << endl;
using namespace a_args;
Func ({ smoothingCoeff= 3.14, interpolationFactor= 49 });
named value: 1245.6
soft: 888
exists: 1245.6
[999]: string
casted vector: 1 2 3 4 5 6
smoothing: 3.14, interpolation: 49