A wrapper around the unixODBC API, allowing one to connect to Microsoft SQL Server and, ostensibly, other databases that support ODBC from Crystal using the crystal-db API.
This is very much still a work in progress. Right now I'm definitely privileging making this work with MS SQL Server, mostly testing against SQL Server 2008 from Arch Linux and macOS when I get the chance.
Lots of things don't work or aren't yet implemented, all io is blocking, and I've used weird workarounds in a few places to deal with some pointer and buffer issues that definitely need to be cleaned up among many other things.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: sourgrasses/crystal-mssql
require "mssql"
require "db"
# connect to SQL Server dsn specified in /etc/odbc.ini or some other config file
DB.open "mssql://user:password@dsn" do |db|
db.exec "drop table if exists goodfriends"
db.exec "create table goodfriends (name varchar(30), age int)"
db.exec "insert into goodfriends values (?, ?)", "Ben Buddy", 28
args = [] of DB::Any
args << "Sarah Bear"
args << 33
db.exec "insert into contacts values (?, ?)", args
puts "max age:"
puts db.scalar "select max(age) from contacts" # => 33
puts "contacts:"
db.query "select name, age from contacts order by age desc" do |rs|
puts "#{rs.column_name(0)} (#{rs.column_name(1)})"
# => name (age)
rs.each do
puts "#{rs.read} (#{rs.read})"
# => Sarah Bear (33)
# => Ben Buddy (28)
TODO: Lots and lots!
- Fork it ( https://github.com/sourgrasses/crystal-mssql/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request