🚀 Features
proejects :
routing and layout error boundaries combine - by @mufeng889 (7de3c)
projects :
change document address - by @mufeng889 (7ced8)
synchronize updates to soybean's axios - by @mufeng889 (6401f)
add common internationalization configuration - by @mufeng889 (a702d)
the routing information file can be created on the command line - by @mufeng889 (6e77e)
update elegant-route - by @mufeng889 (d4a65)
iframe add skeleton - by @mufeng889 (e21af)
add components auto-import - by @mufeng889 (b60f2)
add antd auto-import & close route log info - by @mufeng889 (5879f)
add full screen watermarke - by @mufeng889 (103b6)
🐞 Bug Fixes
packages :
can jump to params & not-found - by @mufeng889 (6241a)
projects :
fixed tables not showing scrollbars when screen width changes . close #5 - by @mufeng889 in #5 (bc673)
repair tabcannot be modified - by @mufeng889 (0d3ca)
update redirect - by @mufeng889 (dc18c)
🛠 Optimizations
optimized code - by @mufeng889 (00bdc)
packages :
optimized code - by @mufeng889 (4f6a2)
projects :
optimized code - by @mufeng889 (a9854)
optimized code - by @mufeng889 (aa3bc)
📦 Build
deps : add deps vite-plugin-checker - by @mufeng889 (24454)
🏡 Chore
update README - by @mufeng889 (e9ebe)
update README - by @mufeng889 (a084d)
deps :
update deps - by @mufeng889 (f63e7)
update deps - by @mufeng889 (ce564)
remove lodash-es - by @mufeng889 (d487c)
projects :
add vscode configuration & add vite preload - by @mufeng889 (48cd0)
🎨 Styles
proejcts :
optimized code format - by @mufeng889 (e2c03)
projects :
optimized code style - by @mufeng889 (f5fed)
change component classification - by @mufeng889 (e41a9)
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