🚀 Features
- deps:
- add typewriter - by @mufeng889 (0651b)
- packages:
- add remove route & If the route to be jumped is the current route, no jump occurs - by @mufeng889 (a75c2)
- Synchronize the useRouterPush of soybean - by @mufeng889 (04577)
- projects:
- optimize code style & exception page add button click event - by @mufeng889 (f1dcd)
- Synchronize the useRouterPush of soybean - by @mufeng889 (308df)
- add version update notifications - by @mufeng889 (3f25b)
- use json5 resolve env VITE_OTHER_SERVICE_BASE_URL & fix proxy enable & updated international language - by @mufeng889 (15769)
- add color fading mode - by @mufeng889 (10b2a)
- prxojects:
- change useRouter declaration type - by @mufeng889 (f27d4)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- projects: fixed left menu mixed mode shrinks menu - by @mufeng889 (77dac)
- types: fix the type of TableApiFn - by @mufeng889 (b8daf)
🛠 Optimizations
- projects:
- optimize code - by @mufeng889 (b407e)
- optimize code - by @mufeng889 (6ce4f)
- optimize code - by @mufeng889 (8f9a8)
- optimize code - by @mufeng889 (0402b)
💅 Refactors
- packages:
- Refactoring useRoute - by @mufeng889 (b9b55)
- projects:
- change css vars mount to root - by @mufeng889 (c59ed)
- refactor part of the menu code - by @mufeng889 (d19aa)
- the vercal-mix reconstruction is complete - by @mufeng889 (dab53)
- refactor the menu section code - by @mufeng889 (1f1ef)
- Refactoring useMenu - by @mufeng889 (185ff)
- refactor global menu & support reversed-horizontal-mix-menu - by @mufeng889 (132fa)
🏡 Chore
- deps: add simple-git-hooks lint-staged - by @mufeng889 (9c977)
- other: print project information in console - by @mufeng889 (d9cf8)
🎨 Styles
- projects:
- optimize code style - by @mufeng889 (0eded)
- optimize code style - by @mufeng889 (95243)
- optimized code - by @mufeng889 (28d68)
- reduce the padding of header buttoon - by @mufeng889 (1a343)